16 KiB



Migration Information

This version removes support for direct migration from versions before v8.1.0 (Doris)

See migration path for instructions how to migrate to a major version.

Do not upgrade from minimal to minimal version. It will most likely fail at some point and will require flashing via serial. If you do have to use minimal versions, always OTA to a full version of the same release before applying next minimal version.

Pay attention to the following version breaks due to dynamic settings updates:

  1. Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 3.9.x
  2. Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 4.x
  3. Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 5.14 (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release_5.14.0/sonoff.bin) - NOTICE underscore as a dash is not supported in older versions
  4. Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 6.7.1 (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release_6.7.1/sonoff.bin) - NOTICE underscore as a dash is not supported in older versions
  5. Migrate to Tasmota 7.2.0 (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release-7.2.0/tasmota.bin)

--- Major change in parameter storage layout ---

  1. Migrate to Tasmota 8.5.1 (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release-8.5.1/tasmota.bin)

--- Major change in internal GPIO function representation ---

  1. Migrate to Tasmota 9.1 (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release-9.1.0/tasmota.bin.gz)
  2. Upgrade to latest release (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release/tasmota.bin.gz)

While fallback or downgrading is common practice it was never supported due to Settings additions or changes in newer releases. Starting with release v9.1.0 Imogen the internal GPIO function representation has changed in such a way that fallback is only possible to the latest GPIO configuration before installing v9.1.0.

Supported Core versions

This release will be supported from ESP8266/Arduino library Core version 2.7.7 due to reported security and stability issues on previous Core version. This will also support gzipped binaries.

This release will be supported from ESP32/Arduino library Core version 3.0.4.

Support of ESP8266 Core versions before 2.7.7 and ESP32 Core versions before 3.0.4 have been removed.

Known issues with v14.1.0

Due to the change from ESP32 Arduino Core2/IDF4 to Arduino Core3/IDF5 not all functionality has been restored. The following features are known not to work on ESP32:

Support of TLS

In addition to TLS using fingerprints now also user supplied CA certs, AWS IoT and Azure IoT is supported. Read full documentation

Initial configuration tools

For initial configuration this release supports Webserver based WifiManager or Serial based command interface.

Initial installation

Easy initial installation of Tasmota can be performed using the Tasmota WebInstaller.

Provided Binary Downloads

ESP8266 or ESP8285 based

The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP8266/Arduino library core version 2.7.7.

  • tasmota.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers for 1M+ flash. RECOMMENDED RELEASE BINARY
  • tasmota-4M.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers and filesystem for 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota-AD.bin to tasmota-VN.bin = The Tasmota version in different languages for 1M+ flash.
  • tasmota-lite.bin = The Lite version without most drivers and sensors for 1M+ flash.
  • tasmota-knx.bin = The Knx version without some features but adds KNX support for 1M+ flash.
  • tasmota-sensors.bin = The Sensors version adds more useful sensors for 1M+ flash.
  • tasmota-ir.bin = The InfraRed Receiver and transmitter version allowing all available protocols provided by library IRremoteESP8266 but without most other features for 1M+ flash.
  • tasmota-display.bin = The Display version without Energy Monitoring but adds display support for 1M+ flash.
  • tasmota-zbbridge.bin = The dedicated Sonoff Zigbee Bridge version for 2M+ flash.
  • tasmota-zigbee.bin = The dedicated cc25xx Zigbee Bridge version for 4M+ flash.

Above binaries are also available as gzipped version allowing faster uploads.

Latest released binaries can be downloaded from

Historical binaries can be downloaded from

The latter links can be used for OTA upgrades too like OtaUrl http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release/tasmota.bin.gz

ESP32, ESP32-C2, ESP32-C3, ESP32-C6, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 based

The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP32/Arduino library core version 3.0.4.

  • tasmota32.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for 4M+ flash. RECOMMENDED RELEASE BINARY
  • tasmota32solo1.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for single core ESP32 and 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32s2.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for ESP32-S2 with serial and 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32s2cdc.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for ESP32-S2 with serial over embedded USB CDC only and 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32s3.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for ESP32-S3 with USB HWCDC and fallback to serial and 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32c2.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for ESP32-C2 with serial and 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32c3.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for ESP32-C2 with USB HWCDC and fallback to serial and 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32c6.bin = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for ESP32-C6 with USB HWCDC and fallback to serial and 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32-AD.bin to tasmota32-VN.bin = The Tasmota version in different languages for 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32-bluetooth.bin = The Bluetooth version adds BLE support for 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32-display.bin = The Display version without Energy Monitoring but adds display support for 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32-ir.bin = The InfraRed Receiver and transmitter version allowing all available protocols provided by library IRremoteESP8266 but without most other features for 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32-lvgl.bin = The LVGL version adds Light and Versatile Graphics Library (LVGL) display support for 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32-nspanel.bin = The Sonoff NSPanel Smart Scene Wall Switch version with HASPmota display support.
  • tasmota32-webcam.bin = The Webcam version adds webcam support for 4M+ flash.
  • tasmota32-zbbridgepro.bin - The Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Pro version with CC2652P firmware load support.

Latest released binaries can be downloaded from

Historical binaries can be downloaded from

The latter links can be used for OTA upgrades too like OtaUrl https://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota32/release/tasmota32.bin

Additional information

List of embedded modules.

Complete list of available feature and sensors.

Changelog v14.1.0.4


  • Command AdcGpio<gpio> <parameters> to better support ADC configuration
  • Support for QMP6988 temperature and pressure sensor
  • Support for Sonoff WTS01 temperature sensor using SerialBridge in SSerialMode 3
  • Support for Sonoff iFan04-H using template #16402
  • Support for Sonoff POWCT Ring #21131
  • Support for Wooliis Hall Effect Coulometer or Battery capacity monitor #21732
  • Analog GPIO ADC Input with AdcParam<x> 1,<start_range>,<end_range>,<margin>,1 provide direct light control
  • Analog GPIO ADC Voltage with AdcParam<x> 11,<start_range>,<end_range>,<lowest_voltage>,<highest_voltage> provide energy monitoring with dc voltage
  • Analog GPIO ADC Current with AdcParam<x> 12,<start_range>,<end_range>,<lowest_current>,<highest_current> provide energy monitoring with dc voltage
  • Skip MQTT response if command is prefixed with underscore #21740
  • Skip MQTT response if commands are executed prefixed with Backlog2 (no delay) or Backlog3 #21740
  • Extend command SetOption147 1 to disable publish of IRReceived MQTT messages #21574
  • NeoPool command NPSetOption<x> to enabled/disable data validation/connection statistics #21850
  • NeoPool data validation and communication statistics default enabled for ESP32 only #21721
  • ESP32 support for power and energy limit checks, like MaxEnergy2 per phase #21695
  • Berry solidification of bytes instances #21558
  • Berry automatic rounding of float to int when calling C mapped functions #21601
  • Berry math.round #21602
  • Berry classof extended to class methods #21615
  • Berry tasmota.rtc("config_time") #21698
  • Berry math.min() and math.max() #21705
  • Berry FUNC_ANY_KEY event calling any_key() #21708
  • Berry FUNC_BUTTON_MULTI_PRESSED event and make FUNC_BUTTON_PRESSED called only on state changes and once per second #21711
  • Berry int64 added low32() and high32() methods, used in Matter #21728
  • Berry webserver_async #21836
  • Berry cam module and img class #21743
  • Berry new type "addr" to ctypes mapping #21883
  • Berry file.savecode() #21884
  • Berry solidify.nocompact() and reduce size of Matter UI #21885
  • Berry zigbee.find() #21889
  • Berry zigbee.started() #21895
  • HASPmota rounds to nearest int values passed as 'real' #21599
  • Matter support for Air Quality sensors #21559
  • Matter support for bridged Air Quality #21597
  • Matter internal debug option #21634
  • Matter Fan support (virtual only) #21637
  • Matter show event name in logs #21649
  • Matter full support of events #21698
  • Matter support for 'Generic Switch' based on Tasmota Buttons #21731
  • Matter improve internal inspectfor superclasses #21824
  • Matter support for split lights (SetOption68 1 and SetOption37 128) #21834

Breaking Changed

  • Berry energy module support for 8 phases and move to pseudo-arrays #21887


  • ESP8266 platform update from 2024.01.01 to 2024.06.00 #21668
  • ESP8266 Framework (Arduino Core) from v2.7.6 to v2.7.7 #21668
  • ESP32 platform update from 2024.05.13 to 2024.08.10 #21893
  • ESP32 Framework (Arduino Core) from v3.0.0 to v3.0.4 #21893
  • Refactored Analog driver to better support multiple channels
  • Optional MQTT_TELE_RETAIN to Energy Margins message replaced by SensorRetain
  • Display timing splash screen with display modes 1 to 5
  • Allow receive or send using SerialBridge
  • SerialBridge command SSerialSend9 replaced by SSerialMode
  • SML replace vars in descriptor and line #21622
  • NeoPool using temperature as only frequently changing value for NPTeleperiod #21628
  • NeoPool make compiler setting available by user_config_override.h #21645
  • ESP32 support for energy margin checks, like MaxPower2 per phase #21695
  • ESP32 MI32 refactoring, bugfixes, generic device scanning #21603
  • ESP32 MI32 improve parser #21648
  • ESP32 TM1621 number overflow from "9999" to "12E3" #21131
  • Zigbee loads device data early before MCU startup #21917
  • Berry updated precompiled Windows binary #21858
  • Berry simplified module persist #21812
  • Berry consolidated constants for solidified classes reduces Flash size #2185
  • Matter refactoring of bridged devices #21575
  • Matter filter suffix automatically added for sensors #21589
  • Matter support for Rain sensor #21633
  • Matter refactor reading of multiple attributes to reduce memory pressure #21675
  • Matter improve encoding of attributes to reduce flash size #21864


  • On universal display remove default backlight power if a single PWM channel is used for backlight. Regression from #21726
  • Shutter MQTT on inverted shutter #21663
  • Scripter TCP server #21660
  • Filesystem SD MMC free space display #21869
  • ESP32 allow use of UART0 with enabled USB_CDC_CONSOLE #21496
  • ESP32 I2S fixes #21770
  • ESP32 Resistive Touch xpt for 2 spi busses #21814
  • Berry input() returns empty string and does not crash #21565
  • Berry bytes.resize() for large sizes #21716
  • Berry light.get for separate RGB/CT #21818
  • Berry bytes setters and getters with negative offsets #21835
  • Berry file.write() raises an exception on failure (ex: disk full) #21849
  • Matter interverted attributes 0xFFF9 and 0xFFFB #21636
  • Matter CASE Sigma1 resumption mode for faster reconnection #21644
  • Matter TLV.U8 unsigned encoding #21672
  • Matter resumption final ack #21673


  • Berry internal: remove class from closure to simplify code #21839