Updated Zigbee (markdown)

Michael Ingraham 2019-10-28 08:42:02 -04:00
parent 8991afeb4b
commit 07994df35b
1 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ Once the firmware upload completes, retain the serial interface connections (3.3
### B. Connect the CC2530 and the ESP82xx
The DL-20 Zigbee module has a 5-pin 1.27mm pitch unpopulated header with 0.6mm througholes. For flashing any of the Zigbee modules, you need the following connections:
ESP<BR>Pin|D1 Mini<BR>NodeMCU|CC2530<BR>Pin|DL-20 J2<BR>Pin Location
ESP<BR>Pin|D1 Mini<BR>NodeMCU|CC2530<BR>Pin|[DL-20 J2<BR>Pin Location](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34340210/67676080-29301a00-f957-11e9-8799-c819241e0b4c.png "CC2530 DL-20 Pin-outs")
GPIO12|D6|CC_DD<BR>(A.K.A. P2_1 or Debug Data)|1
GPIO4|D2|CC_DC<BR>(A.K.A. P2_2 or Debug Clock)|2
GPIO12|D6|CC_DD<BR>(A.K.A. P2_1 or Debug Data)|5
GPIO4|D2|CC_DC<BR>(A.K.A. P2_2 or Debug Clock)|4
**DL-20 Flashing Jumpers**
Insert alternating male Dupont jumpers; one jumper on one side, the next one on other side. This allows the pins to provide the friction themselves to maintain contact and remain firmly in place. You only need DD, DC, and RST (a fourth jumper is shown which is used to keep the RST jumper in place). Vcc and GND are available on the main serial interface pins.