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Pico GFX Pack (MicroPython)

This library offers convenient functions for interacting with Pico GFX Pack - The Pico GFX Pack adds a 128x64 LCD Matrix display to your headered Raspberry Pi Pico or PicoW, with RGBW backlight and 5 input buttons for all your display and control needs.

Table of Content

GFX Pack Class

The GfxPack class deals with RGBW backlight and buttons on the GFX Pack. To create one, import the gfx_pack module, then define a new board variable:

import gfx_pack

board = gfx_pack.GfxPack()

From here, all features can be accessed by calling functions on board. In addition, when using Qwiic / Stemma QT devices, the I2C channel to use can be accessed with board.i2c.


GFX Pack has five switches just below the display. To read one of the switches, call .switch_pressed(switch), where switch is a value from 0 to .NUM_SWITCHES - 1. This returns True when the specified switch is pressed, and False otherwise.

To read a specific input, the gfx_pack module contains these handy constants:

  • SWITCH_A = 0
  • SWITCH_B = 1
  • SWITCH_C = 2
  • SWITCH_D = 3
  • SWITCH_E = 4
if board.switch_pressed(SWITCH_A):
  # Do something interesting here!

if board.switch_pressed(SWITCH_B):
  # Do something else even more interesting here!

RGBW Backlight

The GFX has an RGB backlight as well as the regular Matrix display backlight to change the colour of the backlight. This is accessed via the following method.

.set_backlight(r, g, b, w=None)

Where r, g, b and w are values between 0 and 255


board.set_backlight(255, 0, 0)  # Makes the Backlight Red
board.set_backlight(0, 255, 0)  # Makes the Backlight Blue
board.set_backlight(0, 0, 255)  # Makes the Backlight Green
board.set_backlight(0, 0, 0, 255)  # Makes the Backlight White


The display is all handled by our custom picographics drivers the can be accessed via .display.


display = board.display
display.text("Hello World!", 0, 0)
display.line(0, 0, 128, 64) 
display.update()  # Update display with the above items

All the picographics functions can be found Here


Included in the picographics display drivers is a function for controling the displays white backlight only which is accessed via .set_backlight().

This function takes a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0

display = board.display
display.set_backlight(0.0)  # Backlight is off
display.set_backlight(0.5)  # Backlight is 50%
display.set_backlight(1.0)  # Backlight is 100%