215 lines
6.8 KiB
215 lines
6.8 KiB
#include "servo.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
namespace servo {
: pulse(0.0f), value(0.0f) {
Calibration::CalibrationPoint::CalibrationPoint(uint16_t pulse, float value)
: pulse(pulse), value(value) {
: calibration(nullptr), calibration_points(0), limit_lower(true), limit_upper(true) {
Calibration::~Calibration() {
if(calibration != nullptr) {
delete[] calibration;
calibration = nullptr;
void Calibration::create_default_calibration() {
bool Calibration::create_blank_calibration(uint num_points) {
bool success = false;
if(num_points >= 2) {
if(calibration != nullptr)
delete[] calibration;
calibration = new CalibrationPoint[num_points];
calibration_points = num_points;
success = true;
return success;
void Calibration::create_three_point_calibration(float minus_pulse, float zero_pulse, float plus_pulse, float value_extent) {
calibration[0] = CalibrationPoint(minus_pulse, -value_extent);
calibration[1] = CalibrationPoint(zero_pulse, 0.0f);
calibration[2] = CalibrationPoint(plus_pulse, +value_extent);
bool Calibration::create_uniform_calibration(uint num_points, float min_pulse, float min_value, float max_pulse, float max_value) {
bool success = false;
if(create_blank_calibration(num_points)) {
float points_minus_one = (float)(num_points - 1);
for(uint i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
float pulse = ((max_pulse - min_pulse) * (float)i) / points_minus_one;
float value = ((max_value - min_value) * (float)i) / points_minus_one;
calibration[i] = CalibrationPoint(pulse, value);
success = true;
return success;
uint Calibration::points() {
return calibration_points;
bool Calibration::get_point(uint8_t index, CalibrationPoint& point_out) {
bool success = false;
if(index < calibration_points) {
point_out = CalibrationPoint(calibration[index]);
success = true;
return success;
void Calibration::set_point(uint8_t index, const CalibrationPoint& point) {
if(index < calibration_points) {
calibration[index] = CalibrationPoint(point);
void Calibration::limit_to_calibration(bool lower, bool upper) {
limit_lower = lower;
limit_upper = upper;
uint32_t Converter::pulse_to_level(float pulse, uint32_t resolution) {
if(pulse != 0) {
// Constrain the level to hardcoded limits to protect the servo
return (uint32_t)((pulse * (float)resolution) / SERVO_PERIOD);
uint32_t Converter::pulse_to_level(uint16_t pulse, uint32_t resolution) {
if(pulse != 0) {
// Constrain the level to hardcoded limits to protect the servo
return (uint32_t)(((uint64_t)pulse * (uint64_t)resolution) / SERVO_PERIOD);
float Converter::value_to_pulse(float value) {
float pulse = 0;
if(calibration_points >= 2) {
uint8_t last = calibration_points - 1;
// Is the value below the bottom most calibration point?
if(value < calibration[0].value) {
// Should the value be limited to the calibration or projected below it?
pulse = calibration[0].pulse;
pulse = map_pulse(value, calibration[0].value, calibration[1].value,
calibration[0].pulse, calibration[1].pulse);
// Is the value above the top most calibration point?
else if(value > calibration[last].value) {
// Should the value be limited to the calibration or projected above it?
pulse = calibration[last].pulse;
pulse = map_pulse(value, calibration[last - 1].value, calibration[last].value,
calibration[last - 1].pulse, calibration[last].pulse);
else {
// The value must between two calibration points, so iterate through them to find which ones
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < last; i++) {
if(value <= calibration[i + 1].value) {
pulse = map_pulse(value, calibration[i].value, calibration[i + 1].value,
calibration[i].pulse, calibration[i + 1].pulse);
break; // No need to continue checking so break out of the loop
return pulse;
float Converter::map_pulse(float value, float min_value, float max_value, float min_pulse, float max_pulse) {
return (((value - min_value) * (max_pulse - min_pulse)) / (max_value - min_value)) + min_pulse;
Servo::Servo(uint pin)
: pin(pin) {
Servo::~Servo() {
gpio_set_function(pin, GPIO_FUNC_NULL);
bool Servo::init() {
pwm_cfg = pwm_get_default_config();
pwm_config_set_wrap(&pwm_cfg, 20000 - 1);
float div = clock_get_hz(clk_sys) / 1000000;
pwm_config_set_clkdiv(&pwm_cfg, div);
pwm_init(pwm_gpio_to_slice_num(pin), &pwm_cfg, true);
gpio_set_function(pin, GPIO_FUNC_PWM);
return true;
void Servo::set_value(float value) {
float pulse = converter.value_to_pulse(value);
uint16_t level = (uint16_t)converter.pulse_to_level(pulse, 20000);
pwm_set_gpio_level(pin, level);
// void RGBLED::set_brightness(uint8_t brightness) {
// led_brightness = brightness;
// update_pwm();
// }
// void RGBLED::set_hsv(float h, float s, float v) {
// float i = floor(h * 6.0f);
// float f = h * 6.0f - i;
// v *= 255.0f;
// uint8_t p = v * (1.0f - s);
// uint8_t q = v * (1.0f - f * s);
// uint8_t t = v * (1.0f - (1.0f - f) * s);
// switch (int(i) % 6) {
// case 0: led_r = v; led_g = t; led_b = p; break;
// case 1: led_r = q; led_g = v; led_b = p; break;
// case 2: led_r = p; led_g = v; led_b = t; break;
// case 3: led_r = p; led_g = q; led_b = v; break;
// case 4: led_r = t; led_g = p; led_b = v; break;
// case 5: led_r = v; led_g = p; led_b = q; break;
// }
// update_pwm();
// }
// void RGBLED::update_pwm() {
// uint16_t r16 = GAMMA[led_r];
// uint16_t g16 = GAMMA[led_g];
// uint16_t b16 = GAMMA[led_b];
// r16 *= led_brightness;
// g16 *= led_brightness;
// b16 *= led_brightness;
// if(polarity == Polarity::ACTIVE_LOW) {
// r16 = UINT16_MAX - r16;
// g16 = UINT16_MAX - g16;
// b16 = UINT16_MAX - b16;
// }
// pwm_set_gpio_level(pin_r, r16);
// pwm_set_gpio_level(pin_g, g16);
// pwm_set_gpio_level(pin_b, b16);
// }
}; |