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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ipnlocal
import (
ipn/ipnserver: enable systemd-notify support Addresses #964 Still to be done: - Figure out the correct logging lines in util/systemd - Figure out if we need to slip the systemd.Status function anywhere else - Log util/systemd errors? (most of the errors are of the "you cannot do anything about this, but it might be a bad idea to crash the program if it errors" kind) Assistance in getting this over the finish line would help a lot. Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> util/systemd: rename the nonlinux file to appease the magic Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> util/systemd: fix package name Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> util/systemd: fix review feedback from @mdlayher Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> cmd/tailscale{,d}: update depaware manifests Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> util/systemd: use sync.Once instead of func init Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> control/controlclient: minor review feedback fixes Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> {control,ipn,systemd}: fix review feedback Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> review feedback fixes Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> ipn: fix sprintf call Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> ipn: make staticcheck less sad Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> ipn: print IP address in connected status Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> ipn: review feedback Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website> final fixups Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <me@christine.website>
2020-11-24 23:35:04 +00:00
var controlDebugFlags = getControlDebugFlags()
func getControlDebugFlags() []string {
if e := envknob.String("TS_DEBUG_CONTROL_FLAGS"); e != "" {
return strings.Split(e, ",")
return nil
// SSHServer is the interface of the conditionally linked ssh/tailssh.server.
type SSHServer interface {
HandleSSHConn(net.Conn) error
// OnPolicyChange is called when the SSH access policy changes,
// so that existing sessions can be re-evaluated for validity
// and closed if they'd no longer be accepted.
// Shutdown is called when tailscaled is shutting down.
type newSSHServerFunc func(logger.Logf, *LocalBackend) (SSHServer, error)
var newSSHServer newSSHServerFunc // or nil
// RegisterNewSSHServer lets the conditionally linked ssh/tailssh package register itself.
func RegisterNewSSHServer(fn newSSHServerFunc) {
newSSHServer = fn
// LocalBackend is the glue between the major pieces of the Tailscale
// network software: the cloud control plane (via controlclient), the
// network data plane (via wgengine), and the user-facing UIs and CLIs
// (collectively called "frontends", via LocalBackend's implementation
// of the Backend interface).
// LocalBackend implements the overall state machine for the Tailscale
// application. Frontends, controlclient and wgengine can feed events
// into LocalBackend to advance the state machine, and advancing the
// state machine generates events back out to zero or more components.
type LocalBackend struct {
// Elements that are thread-safe or constant after construction.
ctx context.Context // canceled by Close
ctxCancel context.CancelFunc // cancels ctx
logf logger.Logf // general logging
keyLogf logger.Logf // for printing list of peers on change
statsLogf logger.Logf // for printing peers stats on change
e wgengine.Engine
pm *profileManager
store ipn.StateStore
dialer *tsdial.Dialer // non-nil
backendLogID string
unregisterLinkMon func()
unregisterHealthWatch func()
portpoll *portlist.Poller // may be nil
portpollOnce sync.Once // guards starting readPoller
gotPortPollRes chan struct{} // closed upon first readPoller result
newDecompressor func() (controlclient.Decompressor, error)
varRoot string // or empty if SetVarRoot never called
logFlushFunc func() // or nil if SetLogFlusher wasn't called
sshAtomicBool atomic.Bool
shutdownCalled bool // if Shutdown has been called
// lastProfileID tracks the last profile we've seen from the ProfileManager.
// It's used to detect when the user has changed their profile.
lastProfileID ipn.ProfileID
filterAtomic atomic.Pointer[filter.Filter]
containsViaIPFuncAtomic syncs.AtomicValue[func(netip.Addr) bool]
shouldInterceptTCPPortAtomic syncs.AtomicValue[func(uint16) bool]
// The mutex protects the following elements.
mu sync.Mutex
filterHash deephash.Sum
httpTestClient *http.Client // for controlclient. nil by default, used by tests.
ccGen clientGen // function for producing controlclient; lazily populated
sshServer SSHServer // or nil, initialized lazily.
notify func(ipn.Notify)
cc controlclient.Client
ccAuto *controlclient.Auto // if cc is of type *controlclient.Auto
machinePrivKey key.MachinePrivate
tka *tkaState
state ipn.State
capFileSharing bool // whether netMap contains the file sharing capability
capTailnetLock bool // whether netMap contains the tailnet lock capability
// hostinfo is mutated in-place while mu is held.
hostinfo *tailcfg.Hostinfo
// netMap is not mutated in-place once set.
netMap *netmap.NetworkMap
nodeByAddr map[netip.Addr]*tailcfg.Node
activeLogin string // last logged LoginName from netMap
engineStatus ipn.EngineStatus
endpoints []tailcfg.Endpoint
blocked bool
keyExpired bool
authURL string // cleared on Notify
authURLSticky string // not cleared on Notify
interact bool
egg bool
prevIfState *interfaces.State
peerAPIServer *peerAPIServer // or nil
peerAPIListeners []*peerAPIListener
loginFlags controlclient.LoginFlags
incomingFiles map[*incomingFile]bool
fileWaiters set.HandleSet[context.CancelFunc] // of wake-up funcs
notifyWatchers set.HandleSet[chan *ipn.Notify]
lastStatusTime time.Time // status.AsOf value of the last processed status update
// directFileRoot, if non-empty, means to write received files
// directly to this directory, without staging them in an
// intermediate buffered directory for "pick-up" later. If
// empty, the files are received in a daemon-owned location
// and the localapi is used to enumerate, download, and delete
// them. This is used on macOS where the GUI lifetime is the
// same as the Network Extension lifetime and we can thus avoid
// double-copying files by writing them to the right location
// immediately.
// It's also used on several NAS platforms (Synology, TrueNAS, etc)
// but in that case DoFinalRename is also set true, which moves the
// *.partial file to its final name on completion.
directFileRoot string
directFileDoFinalRename bool // false on macOS, true on several NAS platforms
componentLogUntil map[string]componentLogState
// ServeConfig fields. (also guarded by mu)
lastServeConfJSON mem.RO // last JSON that was parsed into serveConfig
serveConfig ipn.ServeConfigView // or !Valid if none
serveListeners map[netip.AddrPort]*serveListener // addrPort => serveListener
serveProxyHandlers sync.Map // string (HTTPHandler.Proxy) => *httputil.ReverseProxy
// statusLock must be held before calling statusChanged.Wait() or
// statusChanged.Broadcast().
statusLock sync.Mutex
statusChanged *sync.Cond
// dialPlan is any dial plan that we've received from the control
// server during a previous connection; it is cleared on logout.
dialPlan atomic.Pointer[tailcfg.ControlDialPlan]
// tkaSyncLock is used to make tkaSyncIfNeeded an exclusive
// section. This is needed to stop two map-responses in quick succession
// from racing each other through TKA sync logic / RPCs.
// tkaSyncLock MUST be taken before mu (or inversely, mu must not be held
// at the moment that tkaSyncLock is taken).
tkaSyncLock sync.Mutex
// clientGen is a func that creates a control plane client.
// It's the type used by LocalBackend.SetControlClientGetterForTesting.
type clientGen func(controlclient.Options) (controlclient.Client, error)
// NewLocalBackend returns a new LocalBackend that is ready to run,
// but is not actually running.
// If dialer is nil, a new one is made.
func NewLocalBackend(logf logger.Logf, logid string, store ipn.StateStore, stateKey ipn.StateKey, dialer *tsdial.Dialer, e wgengine.Engine, loginFlags controlclient.LoginFlags) (*LocalBackend, error) {
if e == nil {
panic("ipn.NewLocalBackend: engine must not be nil")
pm, err := newProfileManager(store, logf, stateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hi := hostinfo.New()
logf.JSON(1, "Hostinfo", hi)
if dialer == nil {
dialer = &tsdial.Dialer{Logf: logf}
osshare.SetFileSharingEnabled(false, logf)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
portpoll, err := portlist.NewPoller()
if err != nil {
logf("skipping portlist: %s", err)
b := &LocalBackend{
ctx: ctx,
ctxCancel: cancel,
logf: logf,
keyLogf: logger.LogOnChange(logf, 5*time.Minute, time.Now),
statsLogf: logger.LogOnChange(logf, 5*time.Minute, time.Now),
e: e,
pm: pm,
store: pm.Store(),
dialer: dialer,
backendLogID: logid,
state: ipn.NoState,
portpoll: portpoll,
gotPortPollRes: make(chan struct{}),
loginFlags: loginFlags,
// Default filter blocks everything and logs nothing, until Start() is called.
b.setFilter(filter.NewAllowNone(logf, &netipx.IPSet{}))
b.statusChanged = sync.NewCond(&b.statusLock)
linkMon := e.GetLinkMonitor()
b.prevIfState = linkMon.InterfaceState()
// Call our linkChange code once with the current state, and
// then also whenever it changes:
b.linkChange(false, linkMon.InterfaceState())
b.unregisterLinkMon = linkMon.RegisterChangeCallback(b.linkChange)
b.unregisterHealthWatch = health.RegisterWatcher(b.onHealthChange)
wiredPeerAPIPort := false
if ig, ok := e.(wgengine.InternalsGetter); ok {
if tunWrap, _, _, ok := ig.GetInternals(); ok {
tunWrap.PeerAPIPort = b.GetPeerAPIPort
wiredPeerAPIPort = true
if !wiredPeerAPIPort {
b.logf("[unexpected] failed to wire up PeerAPI port for engine %T", e)
for _, component := range debuggableComponents {
key := componentStateKey(component)
if ut, err := ipn.ReadStoreInt(pm.Store(), key); err == nil {
if until := time.Unix(ut, 0); until.After(time.Now()) {
// conditional to avoid log spam at start when off
b.SetComponentDebugLogging(component, until)
return b, nil
type componentLogState struct {
until time.Time
timer *time.Timer // if non-nil, the AfterFunc to disable it
var debuggableComponents = []string{
func componentStateKey(component string) ipn.StateKey {
return ipn.StateKey("_debug_" + component + "_until")
// SetComponentDebugLogging sets component's debug logging enabled until the until time.
// If until is in the past, the component's debug logging is disabled.
// The following components are recognized:
// - magicsock
func (b *LocalBackend) SetComponentDebugLogging(component string, until time.Time) error {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
var setEnabled func(bool)
switch component {
case "magicsock":
mc, err := b.magicConn()
if err != nil {
return err
setEnabled = mc.SetDebugLoggingEnabled
if setEnabled == nil || !slices.Contains(debuggableComponents, component) {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown component %q", component)
timeUnixOrZero := func(t time.Time) int64 {
if t.IsZero() {
return 0
return t.Unix()
ipn.PutStoreInt(b.store, componentStateKey(component), timeUnixOrZero(until))
now := time.Now()
on := now.Before(until)
var onFor time.Duration
if on {
onFor = until.Sub(now)
b.logf("debugging logging for component %q enabled for %v (until %v)", component, onFor.Round(time.Second), until.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339))
} else {
b.logf("debugging logging for component %q disabled", component)
if oldSt, ok := b.componentLogUntil[component]; ok && oldSt.timer != nil {
newSt := componentLogState{until: until}
if on {
newSt.timer = time.AfterFunc(onFor, func() {
// Turn off logging after the timer fires, as long as the state is
// unchanged when the timer actually fires.
defer b.mu.Unlock()
if ls := b.componentLogUntil[component]; ls.until == until {
b.logf("debugging logging for component %q disabled (by timer)", component)
mak.Set(&b.componentLogUntil, component, newSt)
return nil
// GetComponentDebugLogging gets the time that component's debug logging is
// enabled until, or the zero time if component's time is not currently
// enabled.
func (b *LocalBackend) GetComponentDebugLogging(component string) time.Time {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
now := time.Now()
ls := b.componentLogUntil[component]
if ls.until.IsZero() || ls.until.Before(now) {
return time.Time{}
return ls.until
// Dialer returns the backend's dialer.
func (b *LocalBackend) Dialer() *tsdial.Dialer {
return b.dialer
// SetDirectFileRoot sets the directory to download files to directly,
// without buffering them through an intermediate daemon-owned
// tailcfg.UserID-specific directory.
// This must be called before the LocalBackend starts being used.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetDirectFileRoot(dir string) {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
b.directFileRoot = dir
// SetDirectFileDoFinalRename sets whether the peerapi file server should rename
// a received "name.partial" file to "name" when the download is complete.
// This only applies when SetDirectFileRoot is non-empty.
// The default is false.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetDirectFileDoFinalRename(v bool) {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
b.directFileDoFinalRename = v
// b.mu must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) maybePauseControlClientLocked() {
if b.cc == nil {
networkUp := b.prevIfState.AnyInterfaceUp()
b.cc.SetPaused((b.state == ipn.Stopped && b.netMap != nil) || !networkUp)
// linkChange is our link monitor callback, called whenever the network changes.
// major is whether ifst is different than earlier.
func (b *LocalBackend) linkChange(major bool, ifst *interfaces.State) {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
hadPAC := b.prevIfState.HasPAC()
b.prevIfState = ifst
// If the PAC-ness of the network changed, reconfig wireguard+route to
// add/remove subnets.
if hadPAC != ifst.HasPAC() {
b.logf("linkChange: in state %v; PAC changed from %v->%v", b.state, hadPAC, ifst.HasPAC())
switch b.state {
case ipn.NoState, ipn.Stopped:
// Do nothing.
go b.authReconfig()
// If the local network configuration has changed, our filter may
// need updating to tweak default routes.
b.updateFilterLocked(b.netMap, b.pm.CurrentPrefs())
if peerAPIListenAsync && b.netMap != nil && b.state == ipn.Running {
want := len(b.netMap.Addresses)
if len(b.peerAPIListeners) < want {
b.logf("linkChange: peerAPIListeners too low; trying again")
go b.initPeerAPIListener()
func (b *LocalBackend) onHealthChange(sys health.Subsystem, err error) {
if err == nil {
b.logf("health(%q): ok", sys)
} else {
b.logf("health(%q): error: %v", sys, err)
// Shutdown halts the backend and all its sub-components. The backend
// can no longer be used after Shutdown returns.
func (b *LocalBackend) Shutdown() {
if b.shutdownCalled {
b.shutdownCalled = true
if b.loginFlags&controlclient.LoginEphemeral != 0 {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(b.ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
b.LogoutSync(ctx) // best effort
cc := b.cc
if b.sshServer != nil {
b.sshServer = nil
if cc != nil {
func stripKeysFromPrefs(p ipn.PrefsView) ipn.PrefsView {
if !p.Valid() || !p.Persist().Valid() {
return p
p2 := p.AsStruct()
p2.Persist.LegacyFrontendPrivateMachineKey = key.MachinePrivate{}
p2.Persist.PrivateNodeKey = key.NodePrivate{}
p2.Persist.OldPrivateNodeKey = key.NodePrivate{}
p2.Persist.NetworkLockKey = key.NLPrivate{}
return p2.View()
// Prefs returns a copy of b's current prefs, with any private keys removed.
func (b *LocalBackend) Prefs() ipn.PrefsView {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
return b.sanitizedPrefsLocked()
func (b *LocalBackend) sanitizedPrefsLocked() ipn.PrefsView {
return stripKeysFromPrefs(b.pm.CurrentPrefs())
// Status returns the latest status of the backend and its
// sub-components.
func (b *LocalBackend) Status() *ipnstate.Status {
sb := &ipnstate.StatusBuilder{WantPeers: true}
return sb.Status()
// StatusWithoutPeers is like Status but omits any details
// of peers.
func (b *LocalBackend) StatusWithoutPeers() *ipnstate.Status {
sb := &ipnstate.StatusBuilder{WantPeers: false}
return sb.Status()
// UpdateStatus implements ipnstate.StatusUpdater.
func (b *LocalBackend) UpdateStatus(sb *ipnstate.StatusBuilder) {
var extraLocked func(*ipnstate.StatusBuilder)
if sb.WantPeers {
extraLocked = b.populatePeerStatusLocked
b.updateStatus(sb, extraLocked)
// updateStatus populates sb with status.
// extraLocked, if non-nil, is called while b.mu is still held.
func (b *LocalBackend) updateStatus(sb *ipnstate.StatusBuilder, extraLocked func(*ipnstate.StatusBuilder)) {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
sb.MutateStatus(func(s *ipnstate.Status) {
s.Version = version.Long
s.TUN = !wgengine.IsNetstack(b.e)
s.BackendState = b.state.String()
s.AuthURL = b.authURLSticky
if err := health.OverallError(); err != nil {
switch e := err.(type) {
case multierr.Error:
for _, err := range e.Errors() {
s.Health = append(s.Health, err.Error())
s.Health = append(s.Health, err.Error())
if m := b.sshOnButUnusableHealthCheckMessageLocked(); m != "" {
s.Health = append(s.Health, m)
if version.IsUnstableBuild() {
s.Health = append(s.Health, "This is an unstable (development) version of Tailscale; frequent updates and bugs are likely")
if b.netMap != nil {
s.CertDomains = append([]string(nil), b.netMap.DNS.CertDomains...)
s.MagicDNSSuffix = b.netMap.MagicDNSSuffix()
if s.CurrentTailnet == nil {
s.CurrentTailnet = &ipnstate.TailnetStatus{}
s.CurrentTailnet.MagicDNSSuffix = b.netMap.MagicDNSSuffix()
s.CurrentTailnet.MagicDNSEnabled = b.netMap.DNS.Proxied
s.CurrentTailnet.Name = b.netMap.Domain
if prefs := b.pm.CurrentPrefs(); prefs.Valid() {
if !prefs.RouteAll() && b.netMap.AnyPeersAdvertiseRoutes() {
s.Health = append(s.Health, healthmsg.WarnAcceptRoutesOff)
if !prefs.ExitNodeID().IsZero() {
if exitPeer, ok := b.netMap.PeerWithStableID(prefs.ExitNodeID()); ok {
var online = false
if exitPeer.Online != nil {
online = *exitPeer.Online
s.ExitNodeStatus = &ipnstate.ExitNodeStatus{
ID: prefs.ExitNodeID(),
Online: online,
TailscaleIPs: exitPeer.Addresses,
sb.MutateSelfStatus(func(ss *ipnstate.PeerStatus) {
ss.Online = health.GetInPollNetMap()
if b.netMap != nil {
ss.InNetworkMap = true
ss.HostName = b.netMap.Hostinfo.Hostname
ss.DNSName = b.netMap.Name
ss.UserID = b.netMap.User
if sn := b.netMap.SelfNode; sn != nil {
peerStatusFromNode(ss, sn)
if c := sn.Capabilities; len(c) > 0 {
ss.Capabilities = append([]string(nil), c...)
} else {
ss.HostName, _ = os.Hostname()
for _, pln := range b.peerAPIListeners {
ss.PeerAPIURL = append(ss.PeerAPIURL, pln.urlStr)
// TODO: hostinfo, and its networkinfo
// TODO: EngineStatus copy (and deprecate it?)
if extraLocked != nil {
func (b *LocalBackend) populatePeerStatusLocked(sb *ipnstate.StatusBuilder) {
if b.netMap == nil {
for id, up := range b.netMap.UserProfiles {
sb.AddUser(id, up)
exitNodeID := b.pm.CurrentPrefs().ExitNodeID()
for _, p := range b.netMap.Peers {
var lastSeen time.Time
if p.LastSeen != nil {
lastSeen = *p.LastSeen
var tailscaleIPs = make([]netip.Addr, 0, len(p.Addresses))
for _, addr := range p.Addresses {
if addr.IsSingleIP() && tsaddr.IsTailscaleIP(addr.Addr()) {
tailscaleIPs = append(tailscaleIPs, addr.Addr())
ps := &ipnstate.PeerStatus{
InNetworkMap: true,
UserID: p.User,
TailscaleIPs: tailscaleIPs,
HostName: p.Hostinfo.Hostname(),
DNSName: p.Name,
OS: p.Hostinfo.OS(),
KeepAlive: p.KeepAlive,
LastSeen: lastSeen,
Online: p.Online != nil && *p.Online,
ShareeNode: p.Hostinfo.ShareeNode(),
ExitNode: p.StableID != "" && p.StableID == exitNodeID,
SSH_HostKeys: p.Hostinfo.SSH_HostKeys().AsSlice(),
peerStatusFromNode(ps, p)
p4, p6 := peerAPIPorts(p)
if u := peerAPIURL(nodeIP(p, netip.Addr.Is4), p4); u != "" {
ps.PeerAPIURL = append(ps.PeerAPIURL, u)
if u := peerAPIURL(nodeIP(p, netip.Addr.Is6), p6); u != "" {
ps.PeerAPIURL = append(ps.PeerAPIURL, u)
sb.AddPeer(p.Key, ps)
// peerStatusFromNode copies fields that exist in the Node struct for
// current node and peers into the provided PeerStatus.
func peerStatusFromNode(ps *ipnstate.PeerStatus, n *tailcfg.Node) {
ps.ID = n.StableID
ps.Created = n.Created
ps.ExitNodeOption = tsaddr.ContainsExitRoutes(n.AllowedIPs)
if n.Tags != nil {
v := views.SliceOf(n.Tags)
ps.Tags = &v
if n.PrimaryRoutes != nil {
v := views.IPPrefixSliceOf(n.PrimaryRoutes)
ps.PrimaryRoutes = &v
if n.Expired {
ps.Expired = true
// WhoIs reports the node and user who owns the node with the given IP:port.
// If the IP address is a Tailscale IP, the provided port may be 0.
// If ok == true, n and u are valid.
func (b *LocalBackend) WhoIs(ipp netip.AddrPort) (n *tailcfg.Node, u tailcfg.UserProfile, ok bool) {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
n, ok = b.nodeByAddr[ipp.Addr()]
if !ok {
var ip netip.Addr
if ipp.Port() != 0 {
ip, ok = b.e.WhoIsIPPort(ipp)
if !ok {
return nil, u, false
n, ok = b.nodeByAddr[ip]
if !ok {
return nil, u, false
u, ok = b.netMap.UserProfiles[n.User]
if !ok {
return nil, u, false
return n, u, true
// PeerCaps returns the capabilities that remote src IP has to
// ths current node.
func (b *LocalBackend) PeerCaps(src netip.Addr) []string {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
return b.peerCapsLocked(src)
func (b *LocalBackend) peerCapsLocked(src netip.Addr) []string {
if b.netMap == nil {
return nil
filt := b.filterAtomic.Load()
if filt == nil {
return nil
for _, a := range b.netMap.Addresses {
if !a.IsSingleIP() {
dst := a.Addr()
if dst.BitLen() == src.BitLen() { // match on family
return filt.AppendCaps(nil, src, dst)
return nil
// SetDecompressor sets a decompression function, which must be a zstd
// reader.
// This exists because the iOS/Mac NetworkExtension is very resource
// constrained, and the zstd package is too heavy to fit in the
// constrained RSS limit.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetDecompressor(fn func() (controlclient.Decompressor, error)) {
b.newDecompressor = fn
// setClientStatus is the callback invoked by the control client whenever it posts a new status.
// Among other things, this is where we update the netmap, packet filters, DNS and DERP maps.
func (b *LocalBackend) setClientStatus(st controlclient.Status) {
// The following do not depend on any data for which we need to lock b.
if st.Err != nil {
// TODO(crawshaw): display in the UI.
if errors.Is(st.Err, io.EOF) {
b.logf("[v1] Received error: EOF")
b.logf("Received error: %v", st.Err)
var uerr controlclient.UserVisibleError
if errors.As(st.Err, &uerr) {
s := uerr.UserVisibleError()
b.send(ipn.Notify{ErrMessage: &s})
wasBlocked := b.blocked
keyExpiryExtended := false
if st.NetMap != nil {
wasExpired := b.keyExpired
isExpired := !st.NetMap.Expiry.IsZero() && st.NetMap.Expiry.Before(time.Now())
if wasExpired && !isExpired {
keyExpiryExtended = true
b.keyExpired = isExpired
if keyExpiryExtended && wasBlocked {
// Key extended, unblock the engine
if st.LoginFinished != nil && wasBlocked {
// Auth completed, unblock the engine
b.send(ipn.Notify{LoginFinished: &empty.Message{}})
// Lock b once and do only the things that require locking.
if st.LogoutFinished != nil {
if p := b.pm.CurrentPrefs(); !p.Persist().Valid() || p.Persist().LoginName() == "" {
if err := b.pm.DeleteProfile(b.pm.CurrentProfile().ID); err != nil {
b.logf("error deleting profile: %v", err)
if err := b.resetForProfileChangeLockedOnEntry(); err != nil {
b.logf("resetForProfileChangeLockedOnEntry err: %v", err)
prefsChanged := false
prefs := b.pm.CurrentPrefs().AsStruct()
netMap := b.netMap
interact := b.interact
ipn{,/ipnlocal}, cmd/tailscale/cli: don't check pref reverts on initial up The ipn.NewPrefs func returns a populated ipn.Prefs for historical reasons. It's not used or as important as it once was, but it hasn't yet been removed. Meanwhile, it contains some default values that are used on some platforms. Notably, for this bug (#1725), Windows/Mac use its Prefs.RouteAll true value (to accept subnets), but Linux users have always gotten a "false" value for that, because that's what cmd/tailscale's CLI default flag is _for all operating systems_. That meant that "tailscale up" was rightfully reporting that the user was changing an implicit setting: RouteAll was changing from true with false with the user explicitly saying so. An obvious fix might be to change ipn.NewPrefs to return Prefs.RouteAll == false on some platforms, but the logic is complicated by darwin: we want RouteAll true on windows, android, ios, and the GUI mac app, but not the CLI tailscaled-on-macOS mode. But even if we used build tags (e.g. the "redo" build tag) to determine what the default is, that then means we have duplicated and differing "defaults" between both the CLI up flags and ipn.NewPrefs. Furthering that complication didn't seem like a good idea. So, changing the NewPrefs defaults is too invasive at this stage of the release, as is removing the NewPrefs func entirely. Instead, tweak slightly the semantics of the ipn.Prefs.ControlURL field. This now defines that a ControlURL of the empty string means both "we're uninitialized" and also "just use the default". Then, once we have the "empty-string-means-unintialized" semantics, use that to suppress "tailscale up"'s recent implicit-setting-revert checking safety net, if we've never initialized Tailscale yet. And update/add tests. Fixes #1725 Signed-off-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <bradfitz@tailscale.com>
2021-04-18 06:50:58 +01:00
if prefs.ControlURL == "" {
// Once we get a message from the control plane, set
// our ControlURL pref explicitly. This causes a
// future "tailscale up" to start checking for
// implicit setting reverts, which it doesn't do when
// ControlURL is blank.
prefs.ControlURL = prefs.ControlURLOrDefault()
prefsChanged = true
if st.Persist != nil && st.Persist.Valid() {
if !prefs.Persist.View().Equals(*st.Persist) {
prefsChanged = true
prefs.Persist = st.Persist.AsStruct()
if st.URL != "" {
b.authURL = st.URL
b.authURLSticky = st.URL
if wasBlocked && st.LoginFinished != nil {
// Interactive login finished successfully (URL visited).
// After an interactive login, the user always wants
// WantRunning.
if !prefs.WantRunning || prefs.LoggedOut {
prefsChanged = true
prefs.WantRunning = true
prefs.LoggedOut = false
if findExitNodeIDLocked(prefs, st.NetMap) {
prefsChanged = true
// Perform all mutations of prefs based on the netmap here.
if st.NetMap != nil {
if b.updatePersistFromNetMapLocked(st.NetMap, prefs) {
prefsChanged = true
// Prefs will be written out if stale; this is not safe unless locked or cloned.
if prefsChanged {
if err := b.pm.SetPrefs(prefs.View()); err != nil {
b.logf("Failed to save new controlclient state: %v", err)
// initTKALocked is dependent on CurrentProfile.ID, which is initialized
// (for new profiles) on the first call to b.pm.SetPrefs.
if err := b.initTKALocked(); err != nil {
b.logf("initTKALocked: %v", err)
// Perform all reconfiguration based on the netmap here.
if st.NetMap != nil {
b.capTailnetLock = hasCapability(st.NetMap, tailcfg.CapabilityTailnetLockAlpha)
b.mu.Unlock() // respect locking rules for tkaSyncIfNeeded
if err := b.tkaSyncIfNeeded(st.NetMap, prefs.View()); err != nil {
b.logf("[v1] TKA sync error: %v", err)
if b.tka != nil {
head, err := b.tka.authority.Head().MarshalText()
if err != nil {
b.logf("[v1] error marshalling tka head: %v", err)
} else {
} else {
if !envknob.TKASkipSignatureCheck() {
b.updateFilterLocked(st.NetMap, prefs.View())
// Now complete the lock-free parts of what we started while locked.
if prefsChanged {
b.send(ipn.Notify{Prefs: ptr.To(prefs.View())})
if st.NetMap != nil {
if envknob.NoLogsNoSupport() && hasCapability(st.NetMap, tailcfg.CapabilityDataPlaneAuditLogs) {
msg := "tailnet requires logging to be enabled. Remove --no-logs-no-support from tailscaled command line."
// Connecting to this tailnet without logging is forbidden; boot us outta here.
prefs.WantRunning = false
p := prefs.View()
if err := b.pm.SetPrefs(p); err != nil {
b.logf("Failed to save new controlclient state: %v", err)
b.send(ipn.Notify{ErrMessage: &msg, Prefs: &p})
if netMap != nil {
diff := st.NetMap.ConciseDiffFrom(netMap)
if strings.TrimSpace(diff) == "" {
b.logf("[v1] netmap diff: (none)")
} else {
b.logf("[v1] netmap diff:\n%v", diff)
// Update our cached DERP map
b.send(ipn.Notify{NetMap: st.NetMap})
if st.URL != "" {
b.logf("Received auth URL: %.20v...", st.URL)
2020-10-27 20:57:10 +00:00
if interact {
// This is currently (2020-07-28) necessary; conditionally disabling it is fragile!
// This is where netmap information gets propagated to router and magicsock.
// findExitNodeIDLocked updates prefs to reference an exit node by ID, rather
// than by IP. It returns whether prefs was mutated.
func findExitNodeIDLocked(prefs *ipn.Prefs, nm *netmap.NetworkMap) (prefsChanged bool) {
if nm == nil {
// No netmap, can't resolve anything.
return false
// If we have a desired IP on file, try to find the corresponding
// node.
if !prefs.ExitNodeIP.IsValid() {
return false
// IP takes precedence over ID, so if both are set, clear ID.
if prefs.ExitNodeID != "" {
prefs.ExitNodeID = ""
prefsChanged = true
for _, peer := range nm.Peers {
for _, addr := range peer.Addresses {
if !addr.IsSingleIP() || addr.Addr() != prefs.ExitNodeIP {
// Found the node being referenced, upgrade prefs to
// reference it directly for next time.
prefs.ExitNodeID = peer.StableID
prefs.ExitNodeIP = netip.Addr{}
return true
return prefsChanged
// setWgengineStatus is the callback by the wireguard engine whenever it posts a new status.
// This updates the endpoints both in the backend and in the control client.
func (b *LocalBackend) setWgengineStatus(s *wgengine.Status, err error) {
if err != nil {
b.logf("wgengine status error: %v", err)
if s == nil {
b.logf("[unexpected] non-error wgengine update with status=nil: %v", s)
if s.AsOf.Before(b.lastStatusTime) {
// Don't process a status update that is older than the one we have
// already processed. (corp#2579)
b.lastStatusTime = s.AsOf
es := b.parseWgStatusLocked(s)
cc := b.cc
b.engineStatus = es
needUpdateEndpoints := !endpointsEqual(s.LocalAddrs, b.endpoints)
if needUpdateEndpoints {
b.endpoints = append([]tailcfg.Endpoint{}, s.LocalAddrs...)
if cc != nil {
if needUpdateEndpoints {
b.send(ipn.Notify{Engine: &es})
func (b *LocalBackend) broadcastStatusChanged() {
// The sync.Cond docs say: "It is allowed but not required for the caller to hold c.L during the call."
// In this particular case, we must acquire b.statusLock. Otherwise we might broadcast before
// the waiter (in requestEngineStatusAndWait) starts to wait, in which case
// the waiter can get stuck indefinitely. See PR 2865.
func endpointsEqual(x, y []tailcfg.Endpoint) bool {
if len(x) != len(y) {
return false
for i := range x {
if x[i] != y[i] {
return false
return true
func (b *LocalBackend) SetNotifyCallback(notify func(ipn.Notify)) {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
b.notify = notify
// SetHTTPTestClient sets an alternate HTTP client to use with
// connections to the coordination server. It exists for
// testing. Using nil means to use the default.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetHTTPTestClient(c *http.Client) {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
b.httpTestClient = c
// SetControlClientGetterForTesting sets the func that creates a
// control plane client. It can be called at most once, before Start.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetControlClientGetterForTesting(newControlClient func(controlclient.Options) (controlclient.Client, error)) {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
if b.ccGen != nil {
panic("invalid use of SetControlClientGetterForTesting after Start")
b.ccGen = newControlClient
func (b *LocalBackend) getNewControlClientFunc() clientGen {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
if b.ccGen == nil {
// Initialize it rather than just returning the
// default to make any future call to
// SetControlClientGetterForTesting panic.
b.ccGen = func(opts controlclient.Options) (controlclient.Client, error) {
return controlclient.New(opts)
return b.ccGen
// startIsNoopLocked reports whether a Start call on this LocalBackend
// with the provided Start Options would be a useless no-op.
// TODO(apenwarr): we shouldn't need this. The state machine is now
// nearly clean enough where it can accept a new connection while in
// any state, not just Running, and on any platform. We'd want to add
// a few more tests to state_test.go to ensure this continues to work
// as expected.
// b.mu must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) startIsNoopLocked(opts ipn.Options) bool {
2021-05-04 09:26:07 +01:00
// Options has 5 fields; check all of them:
// * FrontendLogID
// * StateKey
// * Prefs
2021-05-04 09:26:07 +01:00
// * UpdatePrefs
// * AuthKey
return b.state == ipn.Running &&
b.hostinfo != nil &&
b.hostinfo.FrontendLogID == opts.FrontendLogID &&
opts.LegacyMigrationPrefs == nil &&
2021-05-04 09:26:07 +01:00
opts.UpdatePrefs == nil &&
opts.AuthKey == ""
// Start applies the configuration specified in opts, and starts the
// state machine.
// TODO(danderson): this function is trying to do too many things at
// once: it loads state, or imports it, or updates prefs sometimes,
// contains some settings that are one-shot things done by `tailscale
// up` because we had nowhere else to put them, and there's no clear
// guarantee that switching from one user's state to another is
// actually a supported operation (it should be, but it's very unclear
// from the following whether or not that is a safe transition).
func (b *LocalBackend) Start(opts ipn.Options) error {
if opts.LegacyMigrationPrefs == nil && !b.pm.CurrentPrefs().Valid() {
return errors.New("no prefs provided")
if opts.LegacyMigrationPrefs != nil {
b.logf("Start: %v", opts.LegacyMigrationPrefs.Pretty())
} else {
if opts.UpdatePrefs != nil {
if err := b.checkPrefsLocked(opts.UpdatePrefs); err != nil {
return err
} else if opts.LegacyMigrationPrefs != nil {
if err := b.checkPrefsLocked(opts.LegacyMigrationPrefs); err != nil {
return err
profileID := b.pm.CurrentProfile().ID
// The iOS client sends a "Start" whenever its UI screen comes
// up, just because it wants a netmap. That should be fixed,
// but meanwhile we can make Start cheaper here for such a
// case and not restart the world (which takes a few seconds).
// Instead, just send a notify with the state that iOS needs.
if b.startIsNoopLocked(opts) && profileID == b.lastProfileID {
b.logf("Start: already running; sending notify")
nm := b.netMap
state := b.state
p := b.pm.CurrentPrefs()
State: &state,
NetMap: nm,
Prefs: &p,
LoginFinished: new(empty.Message),
return nil
hostinfo := hostinfo.New()
hostinfo.BackendLogID = b.backendLogID
hostinfo.FrontendLogID = opts.FrontendLogID
if b.cc != nil {
// TODO(apenwarr): avoid the need to reinit controlclient.
// This will trigger a full relogin/reconfigure cycle every
// time a Handle reconnects to the backend. Ideally, we
// would send the new Prefs and everything would get back
// into sync with the minimal changes. But that's not how it
// is right now, which is a sign that the code is still too
// complicated.
httpTestClient := b.httpTestClient
if b.hostinfo != nil {
hostinfo.Services = b.hostinfo.Services // keep any previous services
b.hostinfo = hostinfo
b.state = ipn.NoState
if err := b.migrateStateLocked(opts.LegacyMigrationPrefs); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading requested state: %v", err)
2021-05-04 09:26:07 +01:00
if opts.UpdatePrefs != nil {
oldPrefs := b.pm.CurrentPrefs()
newPrefs := opts.UpdatePrefs.Clone()
newPrefs.Persist = oldPrefs.Persist().AsStruct()
pv := newPrefs.View()
if err := b.pm.SetPrefs(pv); err != nil {
b.logf("failed to save UpdatePrefs state: %v", err)
2021-05-04 09:26:07 +01:00
prefs := b.pm.CurrentPrefs()
wantRunning := prefs.WantRunning()
if wantRunning {
if err := b.initMachineKeyLocked(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initMachineKeyLocked: %w", err)
loggedOut := prefs.LoggedOut()
serverURL := prefs.ControlURLOrDefault()
if inServerMode := prefs.ForceDaemon(); inServerMode || runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
b.logf("Start: serverMode=%v", inServerMode)
b.applyPrefsToHostinfoLocked(hostinfo, prefs)
persistv := prefs.Persist().AsStruct()
if persistv == nil {
persistv = new(persist.Persist)
b.updateFilterLocked(nil, ipn.PrefsView{})
if b.portpoll != nil {
b.portpollOnce.Do(func() {
go b.portpoll.Run(b.ctx)
go b.readPoller()
// Give the poller a second to get results to
// prevent it from restarting our map poll
// HTTP request (via doSetHostinfoFilterServices >
// cli.SetHostinfo). In practice this is very quick.
t0 := time.Now()
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second)
select {
case <-b.gotPortPollRes:
b.logf("[v1] got initial portlist info in %v", time.Since(t0).Round(time.Millisecond))
case <-timer.C:
b.logf("timeout waiting for initial portlist")
discoPublic := b.e.DiscoPublicKey()
var err error
isNetstack := wgengine.IsNetstackRouter(b.e)
debugFlags := controlDebugFlags
if isNetstack {
debugFlags = append([]string{"netstack"}, debugFlags...)
2021-05-04 09:26:07 +01:00
// TODO(apenwarr): The only way to change the ServerURL is to
// re-run b.Start(), because this is the only place we create a
// new controlclient. SetPrefs() allows you to overwrite ServerURL,
// but it won't take effect until the next Start().
cc, err := b.getNewControlClientFunc()(controlclient.Options{
GetMachinePrivateKey: b.createGetMachinePrivateKeyFunc(),
Logf: logger.WithPrefix(b.logf, "control: "),
Persist: *persistv,
ServerURL: serverURL,
AuthKey: opts.AuthKey,
Hostinfo: hostinfo,
KeepAlive: true,
NewDecompressor: b.newDecompressor,
HTTPTestClient: httpTestClient,
DiscoPublicKey: discoPublic,
DebugFlags: debugFlags,
LinkMonitor: b.e.GetLinkMonitor(),
Pinger: b,
PopBrowserURL: b.tellClientToBrowseToURL,
OnClientVersion: b.onClientVersion,
Dialer: b.Dialer(),
Status: b.setClientStatus,
C2NHandler: http.HandlerFunc(b.handleC2N),
DialPlan: &b.dialPlan, // pointer because it can't be copied
// Don't warn about broken Linux IP forwarding when
// netstack is being used.
SkipIPForwardingCheck: isNetstack,
if err != nil {
return err
b.cc = cc
b.ccAuto, _ = cc.(*controlclient.Auto)
endpoints := b.endpoints
if err := b.initTKALocked(); err != nil {
b.logf("initTKALocked: %v", err)
var tkaHead string
if b.tka != nil {
head, err := b.tka.authority.Head().MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshalling tka head: %w", err)
tkaHead = string(head)
if endpoints != nil {
blid := b.backendLogID
b.logf("Backend: logs: be:%v fe:%v", blid, opts.FrontendLogID)
b.send(ipn.Notify{BackendLogID: &blid})
b.send(ipn.Notify{Prefs: &prefs})
if !loggedOut && b.hasNodeKey() {
// Even if !WantRunning, we should verify our key, if there
// is one. If you want tailscaled to be completely idle,
// use logout instead.
cc.Login(nil, controlclient.LoginDefault)
return nil
var warnInvalidUnsignedNodes = health.NewWarnable()
// updateFilterLocked updates the packet filter in wgengine based on the
// given netMap and user preferences.
// b.mu must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) updateFilterLocked(netMap *netmap.NetworkMap, prefs ipn.PrefsView) {
// NOTE(danderson): keep change detection as the first thing in
// this function. Don't try to optimize by returning early, more
// likely than not you'll just end up breaking the change
// detection and end up with the wrong filter installed. This is
// quite hard to debug, so save yourself the trouble.
var (
haveNetmap = netMap != nil
addrs []netip.Prefix
packetFilter []filter.Match
localNetsB netipx.IPSetBuilder
logNetsB netipx.IPSetBuilder
shieldsUp = !prefs.Valid() || prefs.ShieldsUp() // Be conservative when not ready
// Log traffic for Tailscale IPs.
if haveNetmap {
addrs = netMap.Addresses
for _, p := range addrs {
packetFilter = netMap.PacketFilter
if packetFilterPermitsUnlockedNodes(netMap.Peers, packetFilter) {
err := errors.New("server sent invalid packet filter permitting traffic to unlocked nodes; rejecting all packets for safety")
packetFilter = nil
} else {
if prefs.Valid() {
ar := prefs.AdvertiseRoutes()
for i := 0; i < ar.Len(); i++ {
r := ar.At(i)
if r.Bits() == 0 {
// When offering a default route to the world, we
// filter out locally reachable LANs, so that the
// default route effectively appears to be a "guest
// wifi": you get internet access, but to additionally
// get LAN access the LAN(s) need to be offered
// explicitly as well.
localInterfaceRoutes, hostIPs, err := interfaceRoutes()
if err != nil {
b.logf("getting local interface routes: %v", err)
s, err := shrinkDefaultRoute(r, localInterfaceRoutes, hostIPs)
if err != nil {
b.logf("computing default route filter: %v", err)
} else {
// When advertising a non-default route, we assume
// this is a corporate subnet that should be present
// in the audit logs.
localNets, _ := localNetsB.IPSet()
logNets, _ := logNetsB.IPSet()
var sshPol tailcfg.SSHPolicy
if haveNetmap && netMap.SSHPolicy != nil {
sshPol = *netMap.SSHPolicy
changed := deephash.Update(&b.filterHash, &struct {
HaveNetmap bool
Addrs []netip.Prefix
FilterMatch []filter.Match
LocalNets []netipx.IPRange
LogNets []netipx.IPRange
ShieldsUp bool
SSHPolicy tailcfg.SSHPolicy
}{haveNetmap, addrs, packetFilter, localNets.Ranges(), logNets.Ranges(), shieldsUp, sshPol})
if !changed {
if !haveNetmap {
b.logf("[v1] netmap packet filter: (not ready yet)")
b.setFilter(filter.NewAllowNone(b.logf, logNets))
oldFilter := b.e.GetFilter()
if shieldsUp {
b.logf("[v1] netmap packet filter: (shields up)")
b.setFilter(filter.NewShieldsUpFilter(localNets, logNets, oldFilter, b.logf))
} else {
b.logf("[v1] netmap packet filter: %v filters", len(packetFilter))
b.setFilter(filter.New(packetFilter, localNets, logNets, oldFilter, b.logf))
if b.sshServer != nil {
go b.sshServer.OnPolicyChange()
// packetFilterPermitsUnlockedNodes reports any peer in peers with the
// UnsignedPeerAPIOnly bool set true has any of its allowed IPs in the packet
// filter.
// If this reports true, the packet filter is invalid (the server is either broken
// or malicious) and should be ignored for safety.
func packetFilterPermitsUnlockedNodes(peers []*tailcfg.Node, packetFilter []filter.Match) bool {
var b netipx.IPSetBuilder
var numUnlocked int
for _, p := range peers {
if !p.UnsignedPeerAPIOnly {
for _, a := range p.AllowedIPs { // not only addresses!
if numUnlocked == 0 {
return false
s, err := b.IPSet()
if err != nil {
// Shouldn't happen, but if it does, fail closed.
return true
for _, m := range packetFilter {
for _, r := range m.Srcs {
if !s.OverlapsPrefix(r) {
if len(m.Dsts) != 0 {
return true
return false
func (b *LocalBackend) setFilter(f *filter.Filter) {
var removeFromDefaultRoute = []netip.Prefix{
// RFC1918 LAN ranges
// IPv4 link-local
// IPv4 multicast
// Tailscale IPv4 range
// IPv6 Link-local addresses
// IPv6 multicast
// Tailscale IPv6 range
// internalAndExternalInterfaces splits interface routes into "internal"
// and "external" sets. Internal routes are those of virtual ethernet
// network interfaces used by guest VMs and containers, such as WSL and
// Docker.
// Given that "internal" routes don't leave the device, we choose to
// trust them more, allowing access to them when an Exit Node is enabled.
func internalAndExternalInterfaces() (internal, external []netip.Prefix, err error) {
il, err := interfaces.GetList()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return internalAndExternalInterfacesFrom(il, runtime.GOOS)
func internalAndExternalInterfacesFrom(il interfaces.List, goos string) (internal, external []netip.Prefix, err error) {
// We use an IPSetBuilder here to canonicalize the prefixes
// and to remove any duplicate entries.
var internalBuilder, externalBuilder netipx.IPSetBuilder
if err := il.ForeachInterfaceAddress(func(iface interfaces.Interface, pfx netip.Prefix) {
if tsaddr.IsTailscaleIP(pfx.Addr()) {
if pfx.IsSingleIP() {
if iface.IsLoopback() {
if goos == "windows" {
// Windows Hyper-V prefixes all MAC addresses with 00:15:5d.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/virtualization/default-limit-256-dynamic-mac-addresses
// This includes WSL2 vEthernet.
// Importantly: by default WSL2 /etc/resolv.conf points to
// a stub resolver running on the host vEthernet IP.
// So enabling exit nodes with the default tailnet
// configuration breaks WSL2 DNS without this.
mac := iface.Interface.HardwareAddr
if len(mac) == 6 && mac[0] == 0x00 && mac[1] == 0x15 && mac[2] == 0x5d {
}); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
iSet, err := internalBuilder.IPSet()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
eSet, err := externalBuilder.IPSet()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return iSet.Prefixes(), eSet.Prefixes(), nil
func interfaceRoutes() (ips *netipx.IPSet, hostIPs []netip.Addr, err error) {
var b netipx.IPSetBuilder
if err := interfaces.ForeachInterfaceAddress(func(_ interfaces.Interface, pfx netip.Prefix) {
if tsaddr.IsTailscaleIP(pfx.Addr()) {
if pfx.IsSingleIP() {
hostIPs = append(hostIPs, pfx.Addr())
}); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ipSet, _ := b.IPSet()
return ipSet, hostIPs, nil
// shrinkDefaultRoute returns an IPSet representing the IPs in route,
// minus those in removeFromDefaultRoute and localInterfaceRoutes,
// plus the IPs in hostIPs.
func shrinkDefaultRoute(route netip.Prefix, localInterfaceRoutes *netipx.IPSet, hostIPs []netip.Addr) (*netipx.IPSet, error) {
var b netipx.IPSetBuilder
// Add the default route.
// Remove the local interface routes.
// Having removed all the LAN subnets, re-add the hosts's own
// IPs. It's fine for clients to connect to an exit node's public
// IP address, just not the attached subnet.
// Truly forbidden subnets (in removeFromDefaultRoute) will still
// be stripped back out by the next step.
for _, ip := range hostIPs {
if route.Contains(ip) {
for _, pfx := range removeFromDefaultRoute {
return b.IPSet()
// dnsCIDRsEqual determines whether two CIDR lists are equal
// for DNS map construction purposes (that is, only the first entry counts).
func dnsCIDRsEqual(newAddr, oldAddr []netip.Prefix) bool {
if len(newAddr) != len(oldAddr) {
return false
if len(newAddr) == 0 || newAddr[0] == oldAddr[0] {
return true
return false
// dnsMapsEqual determines whether the new and the old network map
// induce the same DNS map. It does so without allocating memory,
// at the expense of giving false negatives if peers are reordered.
func dnsMapsEqual(new, old *netmap.NetworkMap) bool {
if (old == nil) != (new == nil) {
return false
if old == nil && new == nil {
return true
if len(new.Peers) != len(old.Peers) {
return false
if new.Name != old.Name {
return false
if !dnsCIDRsEqual(new.Addresses, old.Addresses) {
return false
for i, newPeer := range new.Peers {
oldPeer := old.Peers[i]
if newPeer.Name != oldPeer.Name {
return false
if !dnsCIDRsEqual(newPeer.Addresses, oldPeer.Addresses) {
return false
return true
// readPoller is a goroutine that receives service lists from
// b.portpoll and propagates them into the controlclient's HostInfo.
func (b *LocalBackend) readPoller() {
n := 0
for {
ports, ok := <-b.portpoll.Updates()
if !ok {
sl := []tailcfg.Service{}
for _, p := range ports {
s := tailcfg.Service{
Proto: tailcfg.ServiceProto(p.Proto),
Port: p.Port,
Description: p.Process,
if policy.IsInterestingService(s, version.OS()) {
sl = append(sl, s)
if b.hostinfo == nil {
b.hostinfo = new(tailcfg.Hostinfo)
b.hostinfo.Services = sl
hi := b.hostinfo
if n == 1 {
// WatchNotifications subscribes to the ipn.Notify message bus notification
// messages.
// WatchNotifications blocks until ctx is done.
// The provided fn will only be called with non-nil pointers. The caller must
// not modify roNotify. If fn returns false, the watch also stops.
// Failure to consume many notifications in a row will result in dropped
// notifications. There is currently (2022-11-22) no mechanism provided to
// detect when a message has been dropped.
func (b *LocalBackend) WatchNotifications(ctx context.Context, mask ipn.NotifyWatchOpt, fn func(roNotify *ipn.Notify) (keepGoing bool)) {
ch := make(chan *ipn.Notify, 128)
origFn := fn
if mask&ipn.NotifyNoPrivateKeys != 0 {
fn = func(n *ipn.Notify) bool {
if n.NetMap == nil || n.NetMap.PrivateKey.IsZero() {
return origFn(n)
// The netmap in n is shared across all watchers, so to mutate it for a
// single watcher we have to clone the notify and the netmap. We can
// make shallow clones, at least.
nm2 := *n.NetMap
n2 := *n
n2.NetMap = &nm2
n2.NetMap.PrivateKey = key.NodePrivate{}
return origFn(&n2)
var ini *ipn.Notify
const initialBits = ipn.NotifyInitialState | ipn.NotifyInitialPrefs | ipn.NotifyInitialNetMap
if mask&initialBits != 0 {
ini = &ipn.Notify{Version: version.Long}
if mask&ipn.NotifyInitialState != 0 {
ini.State = ptr.To(b.state)
if b.state == ipn.NeedsLogin {
ini.BrowseToURL = ptr.To(b.authURLSticky)
if mask&ipn.NotifyInitialPrefs != 0 {
ini.Prefs = ptr.To(b.sanitizedPrefsLocked())
if mask&ipn.NotifyInitialNetMap != 0 {
ini.NetMap = b.netMap
handle := b.notifyWatchers.Add(ch)
defer func() {
delete(b.notifyWatchers, handle)
if ini != nil {
if !fn(ini) {
// The GUI clients want to know when peers become active or inactive.
// They've historically got this information by polling for it, which is
// wasteful. As a step towards making it efficient, they now set this
// NotifyWatchEngineUpdates bit to ask for us to send it to them only on
// change. That's not yet (as of 2022-11-26) plumbed everywhere in
// tailscaled yet, so just do the polling here. This ends up causing all IPN
// bus watchers to get the notification every 2 seconds instead of just the
// GUI client's bus watcher, but in practice there's only 1 total connection
// anyway. And if we're polling, at least the client isn't making a new HTTP
// request every 2 seconds.
// TODO(bradfitz): plumb this further and only send a Notify on change.
if mask&ipn.NotifyWatchEngineUpdates != 0 {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
go b.pollRequestEngineStatus(ctx)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case n := <-ch:
if !fn(n) {
// pollRequestEngineStatus calls b.RequestEngineStatus every 2 seconds until ctx
// is done.
func (b *LocalBackend) pollRequestEngineStatus(ctx context.Context) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
// DebugNotify injects a fake notify message to clients.
// It should only be used via the LocalAPI's debug handler.
func (b *LocalBackend) DebugNotify(n ipn.Notify) {
// send delivers n to the connected frontend and any API watchers from
// LocalBackend.WatchNotifications (via the LocalAPI).
// If no frontend is connected or API watchers are backed up, the notification
// is dropped without being delivered.
// If n contains Prefs, those will be sanitized before being delivered.
// b.mu must not be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) send(n ipn.Notify) {
if n.Prefs != nil {
n.Prefs = ptr.To(stripKeysFromPrefs(*n.Prefs))
if n.Version == "" {
n.Version = version.Long
notifyFunc := b.notify
apiSrv := b.peerAPIServer
if apiSrv.hasFilesWaiting() {
n.FilesWaiting = &empty.Message{}
for _, ch := range b.notifyWatchers {
select {
case ch <- &n:
// Drop the notification if the channel is full.
if notifyFunc != nil {
func (b *LocalBackend) sendFileNotify() {
var n ipn.Notify
for _, wakeWaiter := range b.fileWaiters {
notifyFunc := b.notify
apiSrv := b.peerAPIServer
if notifyFunc == nil || apiSrv == nil {
// Make sure we always set n.IncomingFiles non-nil so it gets encoded
// in JSON to clients. They distinguish between empty and non-nil
// to know whether a Notify should be able about files.
n.IncomingFiles = make([]ipn.PartialFile, 0)
for f := range b.incomingFiles {
n.IncomingFiles = append(n.IncomingFiles, f.PartialFile())
sort.Slice(n.IncomingFiles, func(i, j int) bool {
return n.IncomingFiles[i].Started.Before(n.IncomingFiles[j].Started)
// popBrowserAuthNow shuts down the data plane and sends an auth URL
// to the connected frontend, if any.
func (b *LocalBackend) popBrowserAuthNow() {
url := b.authURL
2020-10-27 20:57:10 +00:00
b.interact = false
b.authURL = "" // but NOT clearing authURLSticky
b.logf("popBrowserAuthNow: url=%v", url != "")
if b.State() == ipn.Running {
// validPopBrowserURL reports whether urlStr is a valid value for a
// control server to send in a *URL field.
// b.mu must *not* be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) validPopBrowserURL(urlStr string) bool {
if urlStr == "" {
return false
u, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err != nil {
return false
switch u.Scheme {
case "https":
return true
case "http":
serverURL := b.Prefs().ControlURLOrDefault()
// If the control server is using plain HTTP (likely a dev server),
// then permit http://.
return strings.HasPrefix(serverURL, "http://")
return false
func (b *LocalBackend) tellClientToBrowseToURL(url string) {
if b.validPopBrowserURL(url) {
b.send(ipn.Notify{BrowseToURL: &url})
// onClientVersion is called on MapResponse updates when a MapResponse contains
// a non-nil ClientVersion message.
func (b *LocalBackend) onClientVersion(v *tailcfg.ClientVersion) {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "darwin", "ios":
// These auto-update well enough, and we haven't converted the
// ClientVersion types to Swift yet, so don't send them in ipn.Notify
// messages.
// But everything else is a Go client and can deal with this field, even
// if they ignore it.
b.send(ipn.Notify{ClientVersion: v})
// For testing lazy machine key generation.
var panicOnMachineKeyGeneration = envknob.RegisterBool("TS_DEBUG_PANIC_MACHINE_KEY")
func (b *LocalBackend) createGetMachinePrivateKeyFunc() func() (key.MachinePrivate, error) {
var cache syncs.AtomicValue[key.MachinePrivate]
return func() (key.MachinePrivate, error) {
if panicOnMachineKeyGeneration() {
panic("machine key generated")
if v, ok := cache.LoadOk(); ok {
return v, nil
defer b.mu.Unlock()
if v, ok := cache.LoadOk(); ok {
return v, nil
if err := b.initMachineKeyLocked(); err != nil {
return key.MachinePrivate{}, err
return b.machinePrivKey, nil
// initMachineKeyLocked is called to initialize b.machinePrivKey.
// b.prefs must already be initialized.
// b.stateKey should be set too, but just for nicer log messages.
// b.mu must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) initMachineKeyLocked() (err error) {
if !b.machinePrivKey.IsZero() {
// Already set.
return nil
var legacyMachineKey key.MachinePrivate
if p := b.pm.CurrentPrefs().Persist(); p.Valid() {
legacyMachineKey = p.LegacyFrontendPrivateMachineKey()
keyText, err := b.store.ReadState(ipn.MachineKeyStateKey)
if err == nil {
if err := b.machinePrivKey.UnmarshalText(keyText); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid key in %s key of %v: %w", ipn.MachineKeyStateKey, b.store, err)
if b.machinePrivKey.IsZero() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid zero key stored in %v key of %v", ipn.MachineKeyStateKey, b.store)
if !legacyMachineKey.IsZero() && !legacyMachineKey.Equal(b.machinePrivKey) {
b.logf("frontend-provided legacy machine key ignored; used value from server state")
return nil
if err != ipn.ErrStateNotExist {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading %v key of %v: %w", ipn.MachineKeyStateKey, b.store, err)
// If we didn't find one already on disk and the prefs already
// have a legacy machine key, use that. Otherwise generate a
// new one.
if !legacyMachineKey.IsZero() {
b.machinePrivKey = legacyMachineKey
} else {
b.logf("generating new machine key")
b.machinePrivKey = key.NewMachine()
keyText, _ = b.machinePrivKey.MarshalText()
if err := b.store.WriteState(ipn.MachineKeyStateKey, keyText); err != nil {
b.logf("error writing machine key to store: %v", err)
return err
b.logf("machine key written to store")
return nil
// migrateStateLocked migrates state from the frontend to the backend.
// It is a no-op if prefs is nil
// b.mu must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) migrateStateLocked(prefs *ipn.Prefs) (err error) {
if prefs == nil && !b.pm.CurrentPrefs().Valid() {
return fmt.Errorf("no prefs provided and no current profile")
if prefs != nil {
// Backend owns the state, but frontend is trying to migrate
// state into the backend.
b.logf("importing frontend prefs into backend store; frontend prefs: %s", prefs.Pretty())
if err := b.pm.SetPrefs(prefs.View()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("store.WriteState: %v", err)
return nil
// setTCPPortsIntercepted populates b.shouldInterceptTCPPortAtomic with an
// efficient func for ShouldInterceptTCPPort to use, which is called on every
// incoming packet.
func (b *LocalBackend) setTCPPortsIntercepted(ports []uint16) {
var f func(uint16) bool
switch len(ports) {
case 0:
f = func(uint16) bool { return false }
case 1:
f = func(p uint16) bool { return ports[0] == p }
case 2:
f = func(p uint16) bool { return ports[0] == p || ports[1] == p }
case 3:
f = func(p uint16) bool { return ports[0] == p || ports[1] == p || ports[2] == p }
if len(ports) > 16 {
m := map[uint16]bool{}
for _, p := range ports {
m[p] = true
f = func(p uint16) bool { return m[p] }
} else {
f = func(p uint16) bool {
for _, x := range ports {
if p == x {
return true
return false
// setAtomicValuesFromPrefsLocked populates sshAtomicBool, containsViaIPFuncAtomic
// and shouldInterceptTCPPortAtomic from the prefs p, which may be !Valid().
func (b *LocalBackend) setAtomicValuesFromPrefsLocked(p ipn.PrefsView) {
b.sshAtomicBool.Store(p.Valid() && p.RunSSH() && envknob.CanSSHD())
if !p.Valid() {
b.lastServeConfJSON = mem.B(nil)
b.serveConfig = ipn.ServeConfigView{}
} else {
// State returns the backend state machine's current state.
func (b *LocalBackend) State() ipn.State {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
return b.state
// InServerMode reports whether the Tailscale backend is explicitly running in
// "server mode" where it continues to run despite whatever the platform's
// default is. In practice, this is only used on Windows, where the default
// tailscaled behavior is to shut down whenever the GUI disconnects.
// On non-Windows platforms, this usually returns false (because people don't
// set unattended mode on other platforms) and also isn't checked on other
// platforms.
// TODO(bradfitz): rename to InWindowsUnattendedMode or something? Or make this
// return true on Linux etc and always be called? It's kinda messy now.
func (b *LocalBackend) InServerMode() bool {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
return b.pm.CurrentPrefs().ForceDaemon()
// CheckIPNConnectionAllowed returns an error if the identity in ci should not
// be allowed to connect or make requests to the LocalAPI currently.
// Currently (as of 2022-11-23), this is only used on Windows to check if
// we started in server mode and ci is from an identity other than the one
// that started the server.
func (b *LocalBackend) CheckIPNConnectionAllowed(ci *ipnauth.ConnIdentity) error {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
serverModeUid := b.pm.CurrentUserID()
if serverModeUid == "" {
// Either this platform isn't a "multi-user" platform or we're not yet
// running as one.
return nil
if !b.pm.CurrentPrefs().ForceDaemon() {
return nil
uid := ci.WindowsUserID()
if uid == "" {
return errors.New("empty user uid in connection identity")
if uid != serverModeUid {
return fmt.Errorf("Tailscale running in server mode (%q); connection from %q not allowed", b.tryLookupUserName(string(serverModeUid)), b.tryLookupUserName(string(uid)))
return nil
// tryLookupUserName tries to look up the username for the uid.
// It returns the username on success, or the UID on failure.
func (b *LocalBackend) tryLookupUserName(uid string) string {
u, err := ipnauth.LookupUserFromID(b.logf, uid)
if err != nil {
return uid
return u.Username
// Login implements Backend.
// As of 2022-11-15, this is only exists for Android.
func (b *LocalBackend) Login(token *tailcfg.Oauth2Token) {
cc := b.cc
cc.Login(token, b.loginFlags|controlclient.LoginInteractive)
// StartLoginInteractive implements Backend. It requests a new
// interactive login from controlclient, unless such a flow is already
// in progress, in which case StartLoginInteractive attempts to pick
// up the in-progress flow where it left off.
func (b *LocalBackend) StartLoginInteractive() {
2020-10-27 20:57:10 +00:00
b.interact = true
url := b.authURL
cc := b.cc
b.logf("StartLoginInteractive: url=%v", url != "")
if url != "" {
} else {
cc.Login(nil, b.loginFlags|controlclient.LoginInteractive)
func (b *LocalBackend) Ping(ctx context.Context, ip netip.Addr, pingType tailcfg.PingType) (*ipnstate.PingResult, error) {
if pingType == tailcfg.PingPeerAPI {
t0 := time.Now()
node, base, err := b.pingPeerAPI(ctx, ip)
if err != nil && ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
d := time.Since(t0)
pr := &ipnstate.PingResult{
IP: ip.String(),
NodeIP: ip.String(),
LatencySeconds: d.Seconds(),
PeerAPIURL: base,
if err != nil {
pr.Err = err.Error()
if node != nil {
pr.NodeName = node.Name
return pr, nil
ch := make(chan *ipnstate.PingResult, 1)
b.e.Ping(ip, pingType, func(pr *ipnstate.PingResult) {
select {
case ch <- pr:
select {
case pr := <-ch:
return pr, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
func (b *LocalBackend) pingPeerAPI(ctx context.Context, ip netip.Addr) (peer *tailcfg.Node, peerBase string, err error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
nm := b.NetMap()
if nm == nil {
return nil, "", errors.New("no netmap")
peer, ok := nm.PeerByTailscaleIP(ip)
if !ok {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("no peer found with Tailscale IP %v", ip)
if peer.Expired {
return nil, "", errors.New("peer's node key has expired")
base := peerAPIBase(nm, peer)
if base == "" {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("no PeerAPI base found for peer %v (%v)", peer.ID, ip)
outReq, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "HEAD", base, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
tr := b.Dialer().PeerAPITransport()
res, err := tr.RoundTrip(outReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
defer res.Body.Close() // but unnecessary on HEAD responses
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("HTTP status %v", res.Status)
return peer, base, nil
// parseWgStatusLocked returns an EngineStatus based on s.
// b.mu must be held; mostly because the caller is about to anyway, and doing so
// gives us slightly better guarantees about the two peers stats lines not
// being intermixed if there are concurrent calls to our caller.
func (b *LocalBackend) parseWgStatusLocked(s *wgengine.Status) (ret ipn.EngineStatus) {
var peerStats, peerKeys strings.Builder
ret.LiveDERPs = s.DERPs
ret.LivePeers = map[key.NodePublic]ipnstate.PeerStatusLite{}
for _, p := range s.Peers {
if !p.LastHandshake.IsZero() {
fmt.Fprintf(&peerStats, "%d/%d ", p.RxBytes, p.TxBytes)
fmt.Fprintf(&peerKeys, "%s ", p.NodeKey.ShortString())
ret.LivePeers[p.NodeKey] = p
ret.RBytes += p.RxBytes
ret.WBytes += p.TxBytes
// [GRINDER STATS LINES] - please don't remove (used for log parsing)
if peerStats.Len() > 0 {
b.keyLogf("[v1] peer keys: %s", strings.TrimSpace(peerKeys.String()))
b.statsLogf("[v1] v%v peers: %v", version.Long, strings.TrimSpace(peerStats.String()))
return ret
// shouldUploadServices reports whether this node should include services
// in Hostinfo. When the user preferences currently request "shields up"
// mode, all inbound connections are refused, so services are not reported.
// Otherwise, shouldUploadServices respects NetMap.CollectServices.
func (b *LocalBackend) shouldUploadServices() bool {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
p := b.pm.CurrentPrefs()
if !p.Valid() || b.netMap == nil {
return false // default to safest setting
return !p.ShieldsUp() && b.netMap.CollectServices
// SetCurrentUserID is used to implement support for multi-user systems (only
// Windows 2022-11-25). On such systems, the uid is used to determine which
// user's state should be used. The current user is maintained by active
// connections open to the backend.
// When the backend initially starts it will typically start with no user. Then,
// the first connection to the backend from the GUI frontend will set the
// current user. Once set, the current user cannot be changed until all previous
// connections are closed. The user is also used to determine which
// LoginProfiles are accessible.
// In unattended mode, the backend will start with the user which enabled
// unattended mode. The user must disable unattended mode before the user can be
// changed.
// On non-multi-user systems, the uid should be set to empty string.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetCurrentUserID(uid ipn.WindowsUserID) {
if b.pm.CurrentUserID() == uid {
if err := b.pm.SetCurrentUserID(uid); err != nil {
func (b *LocalBackend) CheckPrefs(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
return b.checkPrefsLocked(p)
func (b *LocalBackend) checkPrefsLocked(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
var errs []error
if p.Hostname == "badhostname.tailscale." {
// Keep this one just for testing.
errs = append(errs, errors.New("bad hostname [test]"))
if err := b.checkProfileNameLocked(p); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := b.checkSSHPrefsLocked(p); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := b.checkExitNodePrefsLocked(p); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return multierr.New(errs...)
func (b *LocalBackend) checkSSHPrefsLocked(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
if !p.RunSSH {
return nil
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux":
if distro.Get() == distro.Synology && !envknob.UseWIPCode() {
return errors.New("The Tailscale SSH server does not run on Synology.")