* Add always suffix with device number in Mqtt discovery topic (#1962)
* Add single decimal precision to Nova Fitness SDS0x1 sensor values
* Fix intermittent exception when dns lookup is used while sleep is enabled
* Fix 5.4.0 regression turning off single press after button hold during 4x hold time
* Fix possible wifi connection problem by erasing sdk configuration parameters
* Add serial debug info
* Add optional usage of %d or %X
suffices in MQTT client to append chipid (#1871)
* Add optional usage
of %d or %X suffices in MQTT topic to append chipid (#1871)
* Add
optional usage of %d or %04d in ota url to be replaced with chipid
* Add user configurable serial GPIOs to MagicHome and Arilux
modules (#1887)
* Change platformio option sonoff-ds18x20 to sonoff-xxl
enabling ds18x20 and all other sensors in one image
* Fix providing web
page configuratin option for Friendly Name when no device (relay or
light) is configured (#1850)
* Change default paremeters in
user_config.h to undefined for easy installation (#1851)
* Change max
user configurable hold time from 10 to 25 seconds (#1851)
* Prep for release
* Change uptime from hour to second
resulting in a display of 123T13:45:21 where 123 is days
* Fix Arilux
RF induced exception by moving interrupt handler to iram on non
esp/arduino lib v2.3.0
* Add NTP sync based on chip id (#1773)
* Fix some Energy Monitoring related issues (#1677)
* Fix TSL2561 device detection (#1644)
* Fix command PWM response if no PWM channel is configured (#1783)
* Fix some Energy Monitoring related issues
* Add command SetOption21 1 to allow Energy Monitoring when power is off
on Sonoff Pow and Sonoff S31 (#1420)
* Update TasmotaSerial library to 1.1.0
* Rename commands
HlwPCal, HlwUCal and HlwICal to PowerCal, VoltageCal and CurrentCal to
be used for both Pow and S31 calibration
* Rename commands HlwPSet,
HlwUSet and HlwISet to PowerSet, VoltageSet and CurrentSet to be used
for both Pow and S31 calibration
* Add support for Sonoff S31 Smart
Socket with Power Consumption Detection (#1626)
* Fix IRReceive Data
value (#1663)
* Fix compiler warnings (#1774)