* Add command SetOption28 to switch between hex or decimal Sonoff Bridge
RF received data format (#3008)
* Add command SetOption29 to switch between hex or decimal IR received
data format
* Add CRC to Settings making future upgrades more fail-safe
* Remove version 3, 4 and pre 5.2 settings auto-upgrade. See
* Change default CFG_HOLDER from 0x20161209 to 4617 (=0x1209) - no
impact on default upgrades
* Add rules %mem1% to %mem5% variable names storing data in flash
* Add rules test on %varx% or %memx% (#2780)
* Fix anomalies in rules (#2778)
* Prepare for simple rules by enlarging Settings area to now
2048 bytes
* Fix freeing more code space when emulation is disabled
* Fix compile error when not defined USE_TIMERS (#2400)
* Add commands Timer 0 to clear timer and Timer 1..16 to copy
* Add optional Timer configuration webpage to be enabled in
user_config.h with define USE_TIMERS_WEB
* Change webpage parameter
* Add support for Software Serial bridge using commands
SerialDelimiter, SBaudrate and SSerialSend. Supports 8N1 and text only
* Add support for Hardware Serial bridge using commands
SerialDelimiter, Baudrate and SerialSend. Supports 8N1 and text only
* Prep for release
* Change uptime from hour to second
resulting in a display of 123T13:45:21 where 123 is days
* Fix Arilux
RF induced exception by moving interrupt handler to iram on non
esp/arduino lib v2.3.0
* Add NTP sync based on chip id (#1773)
* Fix some Energy Monitoring related issues
* Add command SetOption21 1 to allow Energy Monitoring when power is off
on Sonoff Pow and Sonoff S31 (#1420)
* Update TasmotaSerial library to 1.1.0
* Rename commands
HlwPCal, HlwUCal and HlwICal to PowerCal, VoltageCal and CurrentCal to
be used for both Pow and S31 calibration
* Rename commands HlwPSet,
HlwUSet and HlwISet to PowerSet, VoltageSet and CurrentSet to be used
for both Pow and S31 calibration
* Add support for Sonoff S31 Smart
Socket with Power Consumption Detection (#1626)
* Fix IRReceive Data
value (#1663)
* Fix compiler warnings (#1774)
* Add support for PMS5003 particle concentration sensor
Reinstate console weblog to 20 lines after some webpage rewrite
* Add
command SetOption20 to allow update of Dimmer/Color/Ct without turning
power on (#1719)
* Update language files nl-NL (#1723) and es-AR
* Add command PowerOnState option 5 which inverts PulseTime and
allows for delayed always on after power on
* Changed
OSWATCH_RESET_TIME (Blocked loop) from 30 to 120 seconds to allow slow
networks (#1556)
* Add French language file (#1561)
* Fix truncated
command names and wrong response for DomoticzSwitchIdx (#1571)
* Add
HTTP Allow Cross Origin removed from ESP8266/Arduino 2.4.0 (#1572)
Fix %-sign issue as printf escape character in Humidity and Sonoff SC
* Add automagic two step Web server OTA upgrade using
filename-minimal image if OTA free space is too small
* Add chinese
language file (#1551)
* Add device function pointers
* Moved Command and JSON
English language defines to one file (i18n.h)
* Update it-IT.h language
file (#1449)
* Fix Wemo and Hue emulation by adding M-Search response
delay (#1486)
* Renamed commands Color2,3,4 to Color3,4,5
* Add command
Color2 to set color while keeping same dimmer value
* Add led signal to
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensors (see user_config.h)
* Fix Wemo Emulation
again (#1357)
* Updated German translation (#1438)
* Add support for SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor to be enabled with define
USE_SENSEAIR in user_config.h
* Add support for Domoticz Air Quality
sensor to be used by MH-Z19(B) and SenseAir sensors
* Change Sonoff Pow Energy MQTT data JSON message and
consolidate Status 8 into Status 10
* Add optional support for PZEM004T
energy sensor to enable with define USE_PZEM004T in user_config.h (#614)
* Add support for Arilux LC11 (CLearing RF home code when
selecting no Arilux module)
* Add fixed color options 1..12 to command
* Add + (plus) and - (minus) to commands Dimmer (+10/-10), Speed
and Scheme
* Fix minimum TelePeriod of 10 seconds set by web page
* Shrink
information web page by 1k code space
* Removed Arduino IDE version too
low warning as it interferes with platformio.ini platform =
* Add commands Color2, Color3, Color4, Width2,
Width3, Width4 and SetOption16 to set Ws2812 Clock parameters (#1019)
Add Polish language file (#1044, #1047)
* Add support for KMC 70011
Power Monitoring Smart Plug (#1045)
* Corrected German language file
* Rewrite code (partly) using Google C++ Style Guide
* Allow empty
MqttHost name by using option 0
* Allow Mqtt server mDNS lookup only
when MqttHost name is empty (#1026)
* Change Ws2812 clock with more
flexible version (#1019)
* Add German language file (#1022)
* Support
connecting to MQTT brokers without userid and/or password (#1023)
* Add
commands PwmRange 1,255..1023 and PwmFrequency 1,100..4000 (#1025)
* Set default altitude to 0 to be used with pressure sensors
Document flash settings area for future use
* Prepare for 32-bit power
control (#995)
* Introduce sonoff.h master header
fingerprint test (#808, #970)
* Fix pressure calculation for some BMP
versions regression introduced with version 5.8.0i (#974)
* Fix
Domoticz Dimmer set to same level not powering on (#945)
* Add Domoticz counter sensor to IrReceive representing Received
IR Protocol and Data
* Fix Southern Hemisphere TIME_STD/TIME_DST
* Add Sea level pressure calculation (#974)
* Fix virtual relay
status message used with Color/Dimmer control (#989)
* Fix command
IRSend and IRHvac case sensitive parameter regression introduced with
version 5.8.0 (#993)
* Set all saved power settings to Off when SetOption0
(SaveState) = 0 (#955)
* Allow PWM initialization after restart (#955)
* Add support for inverted PWM (#960)
* Remove previous GPIO configuration when another module is
* Fix inverted relay power on state (#909)
* Change default
PWM assignments for H801 RGB(CW) led controller to support optional
Color/Dimmer control
* GPIO04 (W2) from GPIO_PWM2 to GPIO_USER to
be user configurable for GPIO_PWM5 (second White - Warm if W1 is Cold)
* GPIO12 (Blue) GPIO_PWM3 no change
* GPIO13 (Green) from
* GPIO14 (W1) from GPIO_PWM1 to GPIO_USER
to be user configurable for GPIO_PWM4 (first White - Cold or Warm)
GPIO15 (Red) from GPIO_PWM5 to GPIO_PWM1
* Change default PWM
assignments for MagicHome RGB(W) led controller to support optional
Color/Dimmer control
* GPIO05 (Green) from GPIO_PWM4 to GPIO_PWM2
GPIO12 (Blue) from GPIO_PWM5 to GPIO_PWM3
* GPIO13 (White) GPIO_USER
to be user configurable for GPIO_PWM4 (White - Cold or Warm)
* GPIO14
(Red) from GPIO_PWM3 to GPIO_PWM1
* Add command SetOption15 0
(default) for command PWM control or SetOption15 1 for commands
Color/Dimmer control to PWM RGB(CW) leds (#941)