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Template information

Sonoff-Tasmota uses Device or Module information to control peripherals connected to GPIOs. This information is stored in the sonoff_template.h file as a device specific template. The template contains information about what GPIO should be connected to what peripheral and what GPIO may be configured online using the GPIO command or GUI Configure Module menu. In addition a device may need specific coding to process the data from these peripherals. The module number as provided by the Modules command is used to select this coding.

Starting with version Sonoff-Tasmota Modules can be extended by users online using a template. To provide easy processing by Sonoff-Tasmota a user template is written as JSON text and could look like this:


The four properties with UPPERCASE property names have the following functionality:

Property name Property value description
NAME Up to 14 characters for the Module name
GPIO Up to 13 decimal numbers from 0 to 255 representing GPIO0 to GPIO5, GPIO09, GPIO10 and GPIO12 to GPIO16
FLAG 8 bit mask flag register
BASE Module number of a hard-coded device to be used when device specific functionality is needed

The above example, based on the Generic Module does not allow ADC0 input.

GPIO functionality

The GPIO functionality numbers are the same is shown by command GPIOs. In addition code 255 is added to select a GPIO as user configurable via the GUI Configure Module menu.

FLAG functionality

The FLAG value is an 8-bit mask where each bit controls a features. Add FLAG values to set multiple bits.

FLAG Mask Feature description
1 xxxxxxx1 Allowing to use Analog0 (ADC0) as input if define USE_ADC_VCC in my_user_config.h is disabled
2 xxxxxx1x Enable GUI pull-up control message
4 xxxxx1xx Not used
8 xxxx1xxx Not used
16 xxx1xxxx Not used
32 xx1xxxxx Not used
64 x1xxxxxx Not used
128 1xxxxxxx Not used

BASE functionality

The following table lists hard-coded device specific functionality. Notice that not all device modules need special handling.

BASE Module Description
4 Sonoff Dual Process relay and button via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process buttons as single press only
9 Sonoff Touch Invert ledstate 1 functionality
10 Sonoff LED Set light type to 2 PWM channels disregarding SetOption15. Fix device specific LED instabilities by disabling GPIO04, GPIO5 and GPIO14
12 4 Channel See 4
13 Motor C/AC Force all relays ON at Power On and disable command PowerOnState
15 EXS Relay(s) Enable pulse latching using even/odd numbered relay pairs
18 Generic Show Wemos specific pin information in GUI
19 H801 Change hardware UART Tx from GPIO01 to GPIO02
20 Sonoff SC Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps
21 Sonoff BN-SZ Set light type to 1 PWM channel disregarding SetOption15
22 Sonoff 4CH Pro Button handling disregarding SetOption13 only allowing single press to enable RF learning while holding the button
24 Sonoff Bridge Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process 16 buttons in web GUI. Enable EFM8BB1 firmware upload
25 Sonoff B1 Set light type to RGBWC using MY92x1
26 AiLight Set light type to RGBW using MY92x1
27 Sonoff T1 1CH See 9
28 Sonoff T1 2CH See 9
29 Sonoff T1 3CH See 9
38 Sonoff Dual R2 Process buttons as single press only
43 Sonoff iFan02 Enable command Fanspeed. Disable Interlock and PulseTime. Tune status information, MQTT data and GUI. Sync with microcontroller. Process Domoticz Fan state
47 Xiaomi Philips Process Color Temperature using PWM2 and Intensity using PWM1
53 Tuya Dimmer Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149 or forced GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 9600 bps. Process all Buttons
55 ARMTR Dimmer Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 115200 bps.
57 PS-16-DZ Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 19200 bps.
61 YTF IR Bridge Disable serial interface to stop loopback
65 Mi Desk Lamp Process rotary and Button1 data specific to this device


A user provided template can be stored in Sonoff-Tasmota using the Template command. It has the following options.

Command Payload Description
Template Show current user template
Template 0 Copy active module template to user template
Template 1 .. 69 Copy hard-coded module template to user template

The following command will store a complete template based on the Generic module Template {"NAME":"UserModule1","GPIO":[17,148,29,149,7,255,255,255,138,255,139,255,255],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}

The following command will update the name of a stored template Template {"NAME":"UserModule2"}

The following command will update the flag of a stored template Template {"FLAG":1}

The following command will update the base of a stored template to Generic Template {"BASE":0}