1 Board FEZ Cerb40 II
Dave Hylands edited this page 2015-01-17 10:10:38 -08:00

Cortex M4


  • STM32F405RGT6 ARM 32 bit CORTEX M4™ 168MHz
  • 1024KB FLASH, 192kB SRAM
  • 12 MHz crystal
  • 32.768 kHz RTC Crystal
  • MiniUSB connector
  • on-board 3.3V regulator

This is basically about as bare bones as you can get for an STM32F405 board.

###Status### Supported using BOARD=CERB40

To flash, connect the LOADER pin to 3.3V while resetting (or plugging in the USB). This will put the board into DFU mode.

Remaining instructions are as per pyboard.