STM32F405 Timer Triggering
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STM32F405 Timer Triggering
Jay Kickliter edited this page 2017-04-07 11:13:55 -07:00
Table of Contents
The Timers can be cascaded to make more complex timing relationships, or longer periods. Internally only some timers can trigger others. This is a Master/Slave relationship and is handled by the SMS register.
For example, you can see below that TIM8 can be triggerd by TIM1.
- One Timer can be used as the prescaler for another.
- The first timer update_event, or output_compare signal is used as clock for the second.
- Uses TRGI to map.
- Counter mode is set using the TIMx_CR1 reg and CMS bits as indicated in the example below.
- The counter mode sets whether the update_event occurs on overflow and/or underflow of the Timer.
Example for internal trigger
Internal trigger clock mode 1 (ITRx) TIM_CLK is replaced by ITRx_CLK which is the internal trigger freq mapped to timer Trigger input TRGI.
The counter mode indicates if the update_event is generated:
- on overflow - if mode = up counting, the DIR bit is reset in TIMx_CR1
- on underlfow - if mode = down counting, the DIR bit is set in TIMx_CR1
- both - if mode is center aligned, the CMS bits are non zero
The update_event is also generated by:
- software if the UG bit (Update Generation) is set in TIM_EGR reg.
- update generation through the slave mode controller
refer to Timer app note: DM00042534.pdf
Timer synchronisation
A Master can control a slave Timer using a Trigger TRGO. A Timer is slaved if its ITRx is connected to a Slave and the Master is set to use TRGO
Trigger outputs from the Master can be selected from:
- Reset:
- UG bit from EGR reg is used as TRGO
- Enable:
- Counter enable is used as TRGO.
- Used to start several timers at the same time or control window for Slave start
- Update:
- the update_event is TRGO.
- e.g. a master timer can act as a prescaler for a slave timer.
- Compare pulse:
- as soon as a capure or match occurs TRGO goes high when CC1IF flag is to be set
- OC1REF: use OC1REF as TRGO
- OC2REF: use OC2REF as TRGO
- OC3REF: use OC3REF as TRGO
- OC4REF: use OC4REF as TRGO
Master mode:
- Configure the Timer
- Select Trigger output to be used
- in CR2 reg - set MSM bits
- Enable Master/slave mode
- in SMCR reg - enable MSM bit