Here's a sample little tight counter loop, running for 10 seconds on 3 different setups:
MicroPython on Teensy 3.1: (96Mhz ARM) Damien gave me a hint, and told me to put the performance test inside a function, rather than global. It almost doubles the execution speed, which used to run 396,505 times. With another hint, its up over a million now:
def performanceTest():
millis = pyb.millis
endTime = millis() + 10000
count = 0
while millis() < endTime:
count += 1
print("Count: ", count)
Count: 1,098,681
On pyboard it's 2,890,723
2nd pyboard test... WinXP SP3 4GB, PuTTY, and Samsung ECC1DU6BBE Micro-USB data cable with the shipped kickstarter board in pyb.usb_mode('CDC+MSC') # act as a serial and a storage device
with housed on internal memory(0:):
Micro Python v1.0.1 on 2014-05-12; PYBv1.0 with STM32F405RG
Type "help()" for more information.
>>> import performanceTest
>>> performanceTest.performanceTest()
Count: 2122667
C++ on Teensy 3.1: (96Mhz ARM)
#include <Arduino.h>
void setup() {
uint32_t endTime = millis() + 10000;
uint32_t count = 0;
while (millis() < endTime)
Serial1.print("Count: ");
void loop() {
Count: 95,835,923
C++ on Arduino Pro Mini: (16 MHz Atmega328)
#include <Arduino.h>
void setup() {
uint32_t endTime = millis() + 10000;
uint32_t count = 0;
while (millis() < endTime)
Serial.print("Count: ");
void loop() {
Count: 4,970,227
Some more looping examples and numbers: