to build special Tasmota versions with Compiler switches defined in [env:tasmota-xyz] in `platformio_tasmota_cenv.ini` to control
build_flags = ${common.build_flags} -DHANS_CONFIG_ZIGBEE=true"
which referrs to in user_config_override.h
```#ifdef HANS_CONFIG_ZIGBEE // ******************************************************************
#define USE_WEBSERVER // Enable web server and Wifi Manager (+66k code, +8k mem)
#define USE_JAVASCRIPT_ES6 // Enable ECMAScript6 syntax using less JavaScript code bytes (fails on IE11)
// #define USE_WEBSEND_RESPONSE // Enable command WebSend response message (+1k code)
//#define USE_RULES // Add support for rules (+4k4 code)
// #define USE_EXPRESSION // Add support for expression evaluation in rules (+3k2 code, +64 bytes mem)
// #define SUPPORT_IF_STATEMENT // Add support for IF statement in rules (+4k2 code, -332 bytes mem)
// #define SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT // Support trigger event with MQTT subscriptions (+3k5 code)
//#define USE_SCRIPT // Add support for script
// #define USE_SCRIPT_FATFS 4 // Add support for script storage on SD card (+12k code, +4k mem)
#define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices
// -- Zigbee interface ----------------------------
#define USE_ZIGBEE // Enable serial communication with Zigbee CC2530 flashed with ZNP (+35k code, +3.2k mem)
#define USE_ZIGBEE_PANID 0x1A63 // arbitrary PAN ID for Zigbee network, must be unique in the home
#define USE_ZIGBEE_CHANNEL 11 // Zigbee Channel (11-26)
#define USE_ZIGBEE_PRECFGKEY_L 0x0F0D0B0907050301L // note: changing requires to re-pair all devices
#define USE_ZIGBEE_PRECFGKEY_H 0x0D0C0A0806040200L // note: changing requires to re-pair all devices
#define USE_ZIGBEE_PERMIT_JOIN false // don't allow joining by default
#define USE_ZIGBEE_COALESCE_ATTR_TIMER 350 // timer to coalesce attribute values (in ms)
#endif ```
to build special Tasmota versions with Compiler switches defined in [env:tasmota-xyz] in `platformio_tasmota_cenv.ini` to control
build_flags = ${common.build_flags} -DHANS_CONFIG_ZIGBEE=true"
which referrs to in user_config_override.h
```#ifdef HANS_CONFIG_ZIGBEE // ******************************************************************
#define USE_WEBSERVER // Enable web server and Wifi Manager (+66k code, +8k mem)
#define USE_JAVASCRIPT_ES6 // Enable ECMAScript6 syntax using less JavaScript code bytes (fails on IE11)
// #define USE_WEBSEND_RESPONSE // Enable command WebSend response message (+1k code)
//#define USE_RULES // Add support for rules (+4k4 code)
// #define USE_EXPRESSION // Add support for expression evaluation in rules (+3k2 code, +64 bytes mem)
// #define SUPPORT_IF_STATEMENT // Add support for IF statement in rules (+4k2 code, -332 bytes mem)
// #define SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT // Support trigger event with MQTT subscriptions (+3k5 code)
//#define USE_SCRIPT // Add support for script
// #define USE_SCRIPT_FATFS 4 // Add support for script storage on SD card (+12k code, +4k mem)
#define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices
// -- Zigbee interface ----------------------------
#define USE_ZIGBEE // Enable serial communication with Zigbee CC2530 flashed with ZNP (+35k code, +3.2k mem)
#define USE_ZIGBEE_PANID 0x1A63 // arbitrary PAN ID for Zigbee network, must be unique in the home
#define USE_ZIGBEE_CHANNEL 11 // Zigbee Channel (11-26)
#define USE_ZIGBEE_PRECFGKEY_L 0x0F0D0B0907050301L // note: changing requires to re-pair all devices
#define USE_ZIGBEE_PRECFGKEY_H 0x0D0C0A0806040200L // note: changing requires to re-pair all devices
#define USE_ZIGBEE_PERMIT_JOIN false // don't allow joining by default
#define USE_ZIGBEE_COALESCE_ATTR_TIMER 350 // timer to coalesce attribute values (in ms)
#endif ```
The controller supports several working modes. From off (no action) to manual (following input), automatic (hybrid, rampup or pi controller) and timeplan (automatic following predefined schedule with 3 temperatures for each weekday). It is fully configured via commands, it will include in the future diagnostics and will be extended to more outputs (will be tested on sonoff 4CH Pro).
The controller has been tested successfully with a Shelly 1PM device and works as the original LUA domoticz script.
ESP32 still uses as default the outdated esptool 2.6.
Since esptool 2.8 is already used for ESP8266 use it for ESP32 too and prevent install of version 2.6