* Add commands Timer 0 to clear timer and Timer 1..16 to copy
* Add optional Timer configuration webpage to be enabled in
user_config.h with define USE_TIMERS_WEB
* Change webpage parameter
* Add support for Software Serial bridge using commands
SerialDelimiter, SBaudrate and SSerialSend. Supports 8N1 and text only
* Add support for Hardware Serial bridge using commands
SerialDelimiter, Baudrate and SerialSend. Supports 8N1 and text only
* Change platformio option sonoff-ds18x20 to sonoff-xxl
enabling ds18x20 and all other sensors in one image
* Fix providing web
page configuratin option for Friendly Name when no device (relay or
light) is configured (#1850)
* Change default paremeters in
user_config.h to undefined for easy installation (#1851)
* Change max
user configurable hold time from 10 to 25 seconds (#1851)
* Prep for release
* Change uptime from hour to second
resulting in a display of 123T13:45:21 where 123 is days
* Fix Arilux
RF induced exception by moving interrupt handler to iram on non
esp/arduino lib v2.3.0
* Add NTP sync based on chip id (#1773)
* Add support for PMS5003 particle concentration sensor
Reinstate console weblog to 20 lines after some webpage rewrite
* Add
command SetOption20 to allow update of Dimmer/Color/Ct without turning
power on (#1719)
* Update language files nl-NL (#1723) and es-AR
* Replaced command Ina219Mode with command Sensor13
* Add
command Sensor15 2 to start MHZ19(B) Zero Point Calibration
* Add
chunked webserver pages for large pages saving memory
* Fix Non-English
JSON temperature unit attachement
* Fix Sonoff Pow Energy Today and
Energy Total reading after restart (#1648)
* Rewrite function pointers
to save code space and memory (#1683)
* Add option define
HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_ENABLE in user_config.h (#1685)
* Fix SOnoff
Pow Energy Period roll-over (#1688)
* Make command color parameter input less strict to ease Hass
* Add ColorTemperature to light status message
* Change
PubSubClient.h define MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE from 512 to 1000 for Hass
* Make define MESSZ dependent on PubSubClient.h define
* Fix logging line length around 400 characters
Change module name Wemos D1 mini into Generic (#1220)
* Revert HTML
change from width=100% to style=width:100% supporting HTML5 (#1358)
Add experimental (still Hass python exceptions) Home Assistant Discovery
for switch and light to be enabled by command SetOption19 1 (#1534)
Updated French Translation (#1561)
* Fix DS18B20 temperature JSON
decimal dot (#1561)
* Add Spanish language file (#1589)
* Update
Italian Language file (#1594)
* Consolidate WIFI_MANAGER_SEC into
* Fix Energy JSON message (#1621)
* Add command PowerOnState option 5 which inverts PulseTime and
allows for delayed always on after power on
* Changed
OSWATCH_RESET_TIME (Blocked loop) from 30 to 120 seconds to allow slow
networks (#1556)
* Add French language file (#1561)
* Fix truncated
command names and wrong response for DomoticzSwitchIdx (#1571)
* Add
HTTP Allow Cross Origin removed from ESP8266/Arduino 2.4.0 (#1572)
Fix %-sign issue as printf escape character in Humidity and Sonoff SC
* Add automagic two step Web server OTA upgrade using
filename-minimal image if OTA free space is too small
* Add chinese
language file (#1551)
* Add device function pointers
* Moved Command and JSON
English language defines to one file (i18n.h)
* Update it-IT.h language
file (#1449)
* Fix Wemo and Hue emulation by adding M-Search response
delay (#1486)
* Renamed commands Color2,3,4 to Color3,4,5
* Add command
Color2 to set color while keeping same dimmer value
* Add led signal to
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensors (see user_config.h)
* Fix Wemo Emulation
again (#1357)
* Updated German translation (#1438)
* Add support for SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor to be enabled with define
USE_SENSEAIR in user_config.h
* Add support for Domoticz Air Quality
sensor to be used by MH-Z19(B) and SenseAir sensors
* Change Sonoff Pow Energy MQTT data JSON message and
consolidate Status 8 into Status 10
* Add optional support for PZEM004T
energy sensor to enable with define USE_PZEM004T in user_config.h (#614)
* Add alternative support for SHT3x enabled with define USE_SHT3X_V2 in
user_config.h (#1314)
* Add alternative support for SHT3x enabled with
define USE_SHT3X_V3 in user_config.h (#1314)
* Add (experimental) support for sensor SHT3x
* Add support
for sensor MH-Z19(B) using serial interface to be enabled with define
USE_MHZ19_HARD_SERIAL in user_config.h (#561, #1248)
* Add
(experimental) support for sensor MH-Z19(B) using SoftwareSerial to be
enabled with define USE_MHZ19_SOFT_SERIAL_OBSOLETE in user_config.h
(#561, #1248)
* Add (experimental) support for sensor MH-Z19(B) using
stripped SoftwareSerial to be enabled with define USE_MHZ19_SOFT_SERIAL
in user_config.h (#561, #1248)
* Add support for iTead SI7021
temperature and humidity sensor by consolidating DHT22 into AM2301 and
using former DHT22 as SI7021 (#735)
* Fix BME280 calculation (#1051)
Add support for BME680 using adafruit libraries (#1212)
* Change
ADS1115 default voltage range from +/-2V to +/-6V (#1289)
* Add
multipress support and more user configurable options to Sonoff Dual R2
* Fix Sonoff Bridge missed learned key if learned data contains
0x55 (End of Transmission) flag (#1095, #1294)
* Add support for
TSL2561 using adafruit library (#661, #1311)
* Add alternative support
for SHT3x (#1314)
* Add (experimental) support for sensor SHT3x
* Add support
for sensor MH-Z19(B) using serial interface to be enabled with define
USE_MHZ19 in user_config.h (#561, #1248)
* Add (experimental) support
for sensor MH-Z19(B) using SoftwareSerial to be enabled with define
USE_MHZ19 in user_config.h (#561, #1248)
* Add support for iTead SI7021
temperature and humidity sensor by consolidating DHT22 into AM2301 and
using former DHT22 as SI7021 (#735)
* Fix BME280 calculation (#1051)
Add support for BME680 using adafruit libraries (#1212)
* Change
ADS1115 default voltage range from +/-2V to +/-6V (#1289)
* Add
multipress support and more user configurable options to Sonoff Dual R2
* Fix Sonoff Bridge missed learned key if learned data contains
0x55 (End of Transmission) flag (#1095, #1294)
* Add support for
TSL2561 using adafruit library (#661, #1311)
* Add alternative support
for SHT3x (#1314)
* Revert changes to xsns_05_ds18x20.ino and rename to
xsns_05_ds18x20_legacy.ino still needing library OneWire and providing
legacy JSON message:
* Add new xdrv_05_ds18x20.ino free from library OneWire and add the
following features:
* Add support for DS1822
* Add forced setting of
12-bit resolution for selected device types (#1222)
* Add read
temperature retry counter (#1215)
* Fix lost sensors by performing
sensor probe at restart only thereby removing dynamic sensor probe
* Fix sensor address sorting using ascending sort on sensor
type followed by sensor address
* Rewrite JSON resulting in shorter
message allowing more sensors in default firmware image:
* Add additional define in user_config.h to select either single sensor
(defines disabled), new multi sensor (USE_DS18X20) or legacy multi
sensor (USE_DS18X20_LEGACY)
* Add support for Sonoff Dual R2 (#1249)
Fix ADS1115 detection (#1258)
* Fix Arilux LC11 restart exception 0 after OTA upgrade
Disabled CRC lookup-table in OneWire.h (#define ONEWIRE_CRC8_TABLE 0) to
save some code space
* Rewrite xsns_05_ds18x20.ino adding support for
DS1822, correct address calculation and force setting 12-bit resolution
* DS18x20 sensor reconfiguration now only probed at restart
removing dynamic connection and intermittent sensor loss (#1215)
* Upgrade library ArduinoJson to 5.11.2
* Upgrade library
IRRemoteEsp8266 to 2.2.1 + 2 commits but tweaked some protocols to keep
code usage small
* Upgrade library NeoPixelBus to 2.2.9
* Upgrade
library OneWire to 2.3.3 + 6 commits
* Formalize library PubSubClient
to 2.6 + 9 commits and additional delay
* Add optional ADS1115 driver
as alternative for unsupported I2Cdevlib in esp8266-core 2.4.0-rc2
Fix wrong response name for command HlwISet (#1214)
* Add support for Arilux LC11 (CLearing RF home code when
selecting no Arilux module)
* Add fixed color options 1..12 to command
* Add + (plus) and - (minus) to commands Dimmer (+10/-10), Speed
and Scheme
* Add support for ADS1115 to be enabled in user_config.h and
needs libraries i2cdevlib-Core and i2cdevlib-ADS1115 (#338, #660)
* Fix
Exception 26 and empty console screen after usage of command
WakeupDuration (#1133)
* Fix some changed iTead web links in README.md
* Remove max string length of 14 for Domoticz sensor
* Add light scheme options (Color cycle Up, Down, Random)
and moving WS2812 schemes up by 3
* Add support for VEML6070 I2C Ultra
Violet level sensor (#1053)
* Fix minimum TelePeriod of 10 seconds set by web page
* Shrink
information web page by 1k code space
* Removed Arduino IDE version too
low warning as it interferes with platformio.ini platform =
* Add commands Color2, Color3, Color4, Width2,
Width3, Width4 and SetOption16 to set Ws2812 Clock parameters (#1019)
Add Polish language file (#1044, #1047)
* Add support for KMC 70011
Power Monitoring Smart Plug (#1045)
* Corrected German language file
* Rewrite code (partly) using Google C++ Style Guide
* Allow empty
MqttHost name by using option 0
* Allow Mqtt server mDNS lookup only
when MqttHost name is empty (#1026)
* Change Ws2812 clock with more
flexible version (#1019)
* Add German language file (#1022)
* Support
connecting to MQTT brokers without userid and/or password (#1023)
* Add
commands PwmRange 1,255..1023 and PwmFrequency 1,100..4000 (#1025)
* Add Domoticz counter sensor to IrReceive representing Received
IR Protocol and Data
* Fix Southern Hemisphere TIME_STD/TIME_DST
* Add Sea level pressure calculation (#974)
* Fix virtual relay
status message used with Color/Dimmer control (#989)
* Fix command
IRSend and IRHvac case sensitive parameter regression introduced with
version 5.8.0 (#993)
* Rename command IRRemote to IRSend (#956)
* Add IR Receiver
support. Disable in user_config.h (#956)
* Change default PWM
assignment for Witty Cloud to support optional Color/Dimmer control
* GPIO12 (Green) from GPIO_PWM4 to GPIO_PWM2
* GPIO13
(Blue) from GPIO_PWM5 to GPIO_PWM3
* GPIO15 (Red) from GPIO_PWM3
* Add warning to webpage when USE_MINIMAL is selected (#929)
Fix compile error when DOMOTICZ_UPDATE_TIMER is not defined (#930)
Fix alignment of web page items in some browsers (#935)
* Add smoother
movement of hour hand in WS2812 led clock (#936)
* Add support for
Magic Home RGBW Led controller (#940)
5.5.0 20170730
* Reduce code space by removing the following commands as they are
replaced by SetOption alternatives:
* SaveState = SetOption0
* ButtonRestrict = SetOption1
* Units = SetOption2
* MQTT = SetOption3
* MQTTResponse = SetOption4
* TempUnit = SetOption8
* Smoothing WS2812 animation poll, invert fade speed and max allowed
wakeup time down to 3000 seconds
* Fix initial button press detection
* Add support for Sonoff RF Bridge 433 using command RfKey
* Fix regression from 5.0.7 by increasing message buffer size from 360
to 368 to accomodate 4 x DS18x20 sensors (#637)
* Add GroupTopic to Topic test when using ButtonTopic/SwitchTopic to
send either ON/OFF or TOGGLE (#642)
* Adjust HLW calibration limits to accomodate HuaFan device and add
commands HlwPSet, HlwUSet and HlwISet (#654)
5.3.0 20170715
* Major Hue rewrite which might introduce Alexa problems. If so,
initiate an issue
* Add support for Sonoff Led and BN-SZ01 Ceiling Led brightness control
to Hue
* Fix Sonoff Led Power, Dimmer and Color MQTT response (#176)
* Add commands Delay and Backlog to allow multiple commands at once
separated by ";" (#593)
* Use default flashmode DOUT to solve restart hangs on esp8285 chips
(#453, #598)
* Change Web console column width from 99 to 300 (#599)
5.1.7 20170616
* Prep removal of SetOptions alternatives
* Restore webpage upgrade error messages removed in 5.1.5
* Add hold button functionality to buttons 2 to 4
* Add command SetOption32 1..100 to set Key Hold Time from 0.1 seconds
to 10 seconds (#200)
* Allow slashes in Topic, GroupTopic, ButtonTopic and SwitchTopic (#507)
* Changed webpage form actions from post to get and use relative path
url (#434, #522)
5.1.6 20170606
* Shrink code
* Removed online configuration of Domoticz In and Domoticz Out MQTT
* Removed commands DomoticzInTopic and DomoticzOutTopic
* Add define KEY_HOLD_TIME to configure button hold threshold before
sending MQTT Hold message
* Add command StateText4 to configure button MQTT Hold text (=
* Add command SetOption11 0|1 to swap pushbutton single and double press
functionality (#200)
* Add command SwitchMode<x> 5 (PUSHBUTTONHOLD) and 6
5.1.1 20170517
* Allow command FullTopic in group mode
* Prepare for more use of RTC memory
* Add independant WS2812 led string power control (#386, #390)
* Add command Counter<x> to control up to four GPIO falling edge
interrupt counters or timers (#459)
* Add command CounterType<x> to select between pulse counting or pulse
* Add command CounterDebounce to select global counter debounce time in
5.1.0 20170513
* Fix Offline/Removal of retained topic when FullTopic is changed
* Add FullTopic to MQTT Configuration and Information web page
* Adde license model GPLv3 (#188)
5.0.5 20170508
* Add command FullTopic with tokens %topic% (replaced by command Topic
value) and
* %prefix% (replaced by command Prefix<x> values) for more flexible
topic definitions (#244)
* See wiki > MQTT Features
https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/MQTT-Features for more
5.0.2 20170503
* Reset SaveData, SaveState and MqttResponse to default values due to
rearranging settings
* Moved some settings flag area
* Add command TempUnit Celsius|Fahrenheit for selecting Celsius or
Fahrenheit (#347)
* Add command TempRes 0..3 for selecting Temperature Resolution (#347)
* Add command HumRes 0..3 for selecting Humidity Resolution (#347)
* Add command PressRes 0..3 for selecting Pressure Resolution (#347)
* Add command EnergyRes 0..5 for selecting Energy Resolution (#347)
* Add "TemperatureUnit":"C|F" to sensor JSON output (#347)
* Add support for up to three DHT type sensors each using a different
GPIO (#339, #404)
4.1.2 20170403
* Rename Unrecognised command to Unknown command
* Remove all command lists
* Remove command SmartConfig (superseded by WifiConfig)
* Fix boot loop when selecting module Sonoff 4CH or Sonoff Touch on non
ESP8285 hardware
* Add optional support for Toshiba and Mitsubishi HVAC IR control (needs
updated IRanother (#257)
* Add all configured switches to Domoticz Configuration web page (#305)
* Fix compile error when selecting WS2812 DMA (#313)
4.1.1 20170329
* Fix default Telemetry for command Prefix3
* Fix webserver Module parameters for disabled select
* Fix sensor status for enabled switches
* Remove Light as alternative for Power (save code space)
* Remove migration option from pre V3 (code cleanup)
* Remove unofficial SPIFFS support (code cleanup)
* Remove command list when unknown command is entered (save code space)
* Rename Status11 json from StatusPWR to unique StatusSTS
* Rename command Gateway to IPAddres2, Subnetmask to IPAddress3 and
DnsServer to IPAddress4 (save code space)
* Add Command MqttResponse to select either command or RESULT topic as
response (#258)
* Add command StateText1 to StateText3 to assign MQTT_STATUS_OFF,
MQTT_STATUS_ON and MQTT_CMND_TOGGLE respectively (#286)
* Remove restart after IPAddress changes (#292)
* Add support for MAX31850 in xsns_ds18x20.ino (#295)
* Fix possible uptime update misses (#302)
4.1.0 20170325
* Change static IP addresses in user_config.h from list (using commas)
to string (using dots)
* Unify display result of commands Modules, Module and Gpios
* Rewrite Module selection web page to bring size down from 18651 to
4319 bytes (!) (#234, #240)
* Add basic support for (Lixada) H801 RGBWW controller (#252)
* Add command Prefix1 to Prefix3 to assign SUB_PREFIX, PUB_PREFIX and
PUB_PREFIX2 respectively (#255)
* Add static ip addresses to flash (#262)
* Add commands IpAddress, Gateway, Subnetmask and DnsServer to select
static ip addresses (#273)
4.0.8 20170321
* Fix entering non-numeric webpassword
* Force selection between TLS or Webserver due to memory restraint
* Allow entering empty string using "0" for selected commands (#242)
* Fix exception when posting commands to web console containing % (#250)
4.0.7 20170319
* Increased Sonoff Led PWM frequency from 432 to 1000
* Fix possible watch dog reboot after changing module type on web page
* Fix reporting of GPIO usage from web page
* Fix Sonoff Led blank during firmware upgrade
* Fix Sonoff Led flicker and possible flash corruption by using latest
Arduino-esp8266 versions
* of pwm core files included in sonoff library (#211)
* Add PWM output control with commands PWM1 to PWM5 using user
selectable GPIOs (#211)
* Fix exceptions due to low values of commands HlwPCal (10000), HlwUCal
(1000) and HlwICal (2500) (#223)
* Add Switch state to sensor status (#227, #233)
* Add user configuarble GPIO to module Sonoff Touch (#228)
* Add define WEB_PORT to user_config.h to change default web server port
from 80 (#232)
* Fix failed Ota Firmware upgrade started from Web page (#235)
4.0.6 20170316
* Fix to better find device by Wifi hostname
* Fix compile error when some I2C devices are disabled
* Add (experimental) support for SHT1X emulating I2C (#97)
* Add ADC to ElectroDragon (#203)
* Add support for Sonoff Dev (#206)
4.0.5 20170314
* Add command Status 11 to show power status with Vcc if define
USE_ADC_VCC is enabled (default)
* Add ADC input to Sonoff SV and Wemos D1 mini - Needs recompile with
define USE_ADC_VCC disabled (#137)
* Add MQTT host:port to timeout message (#199)
4.0.5 20170314
* Add command Status 11 to show power status with Vcc if define
USE_ADC_VCC is enabled (default)
* Add ADC input to Sonoff SV and Wemos D1 mini - Needs recompile with
define USE_ADC_VCC disabled (#137)
* Add MQTT host:port to timeout message (#199)