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Sensors Supported by Tasmota
4CH Wifi Socket with USB Charger SA P402A (TYWE2S)
A4988 Stepper Motor Controller
APDS 9960
AZ 7798
Adding new Module types
Arduino IDE
Arilux LC02
Arilux LC04
Armtronix Dimmers
Beginner Guide Create your own Firmware Build
Blinds and Shutters
BlitzWolf BW SHP4 (UK Version)
BlitzWolf SHP2
BlitzWolf SHP6
Burnett BN K01
Button usage
Buttons and Switches
CE Smart Home LA WF3 Wifi Plug (TYWE2S)
CE Smart Home™ Garden Power Stake
CNSKOU CNSANKOU wall switches
CSL (aplic WDP 303075)
Canwing CW001 WiFi Smart Switch
Century Aoke Festnight (Sonoff Basic clone)
Codes for IR Remotes (for YTF IR Bridge)
Compile your build
Compiling Tasmota on Gitpod
Configuration Procedure for New Devices
Control a Sonoff using a remote button
Control other devices
Cool Projects
Create your own Firmware Build without IDE
DHT11 Wiring Sonoff Basic
Device Operational Recovery
Dimmer switch with Nuvoton chip
Domoticz Automatic discovery
Dynamic Sleep
ERC309 Kinetic Switch
ESP 01S relay V1.0 (ESP8266 5V WiFi relay module) plus Dallas DS18x20 1Wire Thermometer
ESP32 Port
EXS 2 Channel Wifi Dimmer V4
EXS Relay V3.1 & V5.1
Energy Saving
Etekcity Smart WiFi Light Switch ESWL01
Expanding 4CH
Expanding Sonoffs
Expanding Tasmota
Expressions in Rules
Fast power cycle device recovery
Feature not included
Flash Sonoff using Raspberry Pi
For Developers
GPIO Locations
Geekcreit Sonoff 2 Channel Relay (AC 85V 250V)
Gosund SP1
Hardware Preparation
Home Assistant ‐ Manual Config (Legacy)
Home Assistant ‐ Manual Config
Home Assistant
Home Automation Integrations
Home Awesome Breathing Light Smart Plug Mini TMRLIFE [2 PACK] WiFi Smart Plug
Hompie SWS1 (Tuya TYWE3S)
Honeywell HIH
How to Expand Sonoff Basic to 4MB Flash
How to Flash the RF Bridge
HuaFan Smart Socket
Hyleton 313 Smart Plug
IP Symcon
IR Codes Vaccuum Cleaner Ecovacs Deebot Slim2
IR Codes for Soundbar Panasonic SCALL70T
IR Codes for TV LG 55UH8509
IR Codes for TV Panasonic TX65FXW784
IR Codes for TV Sony KDL EX540
IR Remote Codes AppleTV Gen4
IR Remote Codes Fetch Mini
IR Remote Codes Sony BD S1500
IR Remote Codes VU Duo 2
IR Remote
IRSend RAW Encoding
Initial Configuration
JSON Status Responses
KMC 70008 light switch
KNX Features
KS 602S Switch
Kesen KS 604S
KingArts touch Dimmer (1 gang)
Kohree VHP560 Smart Light Compatible, RGBCW Wi Fi LED Bulb A19
LC Technology WiFi Relay
LSC Smart Connect Smart Power Plug
LeFun SK2 Smart Power Strip (Model ZLD 44USA W)
Lingan SWA1
Luminea ZX 2844 675 (RGBW LED Controller)
MCP23008 MCP23017
MCU Based Tuya Dimmers and Switches
MQTT Features
Mac OSX Local Web Server for Tasmota Firmware Binaries
MagicHome LED strip controller
MagicHome with ESP8285
Martin Jerry MJ S01
Martin Jerry MJ SD01
Mirabella Genio Bulb
Mirabella Genio Smart Plug
Modify KaKu to WKaKu Power Socket
Moisture Sensor and Chirp! Sensor
Moving to v7
New device page
Novostella B22 RGB LED Colour WiFi Smart Bulb
OBI Socket 2
OBI WiFi Socket IP44
OBI Wifi Socket
OTA over SCP
Oittm Smart Plug
Other Devices
Otim Dimmer
P1 Smart Meter
PID Control with Sonoff Devices
PIR Motion Sensors
PS 16 DZ Dimmer
PZEM004T, Wemos D1 Mini and a 1602 I2C display
PZEM004T Energy Monitor
PZEM016 Energy Monitoring
PlatformIO CLI
Power Retain Configuration
Power monitoring calibration
PowerOnState Configuration
Prana 150 energy recovery ventilation
Project AM312 and Sonoff R2
Python HTTP OTA Server
RCWL 0516
RGB Smart Plug 16A
Receiving Infrared Remote Control Data
Rule Cookbook
Rules IF ELSE ELSEIF and AND OR Support
S1 Series Wifi Socket S120 (EU model) chipset TYWE2S
SK03 Outdoor Smart Plug
SM SO301
SP108E HardwareAnalysis
SP108E HardwareMod
SP108E LED strip controller
SWB1 Smart Power Strip
Script Cookbook
Scripting Language
Securing your IoT from hacking
Sensor API
Sensor Configuration
Sensors Supported by Tasmota
SetOption37 Color channel mapping
Shelly 1
Shelly 1PM
Shelly 2.5
Shelly 2
Slitinto NX SP202
Smart Light Switch SS118 01K1
Smart Meter Interface Descriptors
Smart Meter Interface
SmartPlug with POW (AISIRER, AVATAR)
SonOTA (doesnt work anymore with actual firmwares!)
SonOTA Espressif2Arduino Tasmota without compiling
Sonoff 4CH DIY
Sonoff 4CH Pro
Sonoff 4CH and 4CH Pro
Sonoff 4CH
Sonoff B1 and B1 R2
Sonoff B1
Sonoff Basic and BME280
Sonoff Basic
Sonoff DIY
Sonoff Dual R2
Sonoff Dual and Dual R2
Sonoff Dual
Sonoff Mini
Sonoff PSA
Sonoff Pow R2
Sonoff Pow and Pow R2
Sonoff Pow
Sonoff RF Bridge 433
Sonoff RF
Sonoff S20 Smart Socket
Sonoff S20
Sonoff S26 Smart Socket
Sonoff S31
Sonoff SC
Sonoff SV
Sonoff T1
Sonoff TH
Sonoff TX Series
Sonoff TX T0 Touch 1CH 2CH 3CH US
Sonoff Touch
Sonoff iFan02
Sonoff iFan03
Source code documentation
Status LED
Subscribe & Unsubscribe
Supernight dual wifi plug
Supported devices
Supported sensors
Tasmota Device Locator
Tasmota Device Manager
Tasmota IR
Teckin SP22
Teckin SP23
Teckin sp10
Theo's Tasmota Tips
Thermal considerations
Time Proportioned Output support
Tuya OTA
Tuya Protocols
Tuya Smart Plug Models ESP8266MOD by AI THINKER and ESP 12F by TUYA LN 0026
Tuya generic wifi curtain motor WIP
TuyaMCU Configurations
US 240V Clothes Dryer PZEM004T Energy Monitor
Upload tools
User created templates
Visual Studio Code
WL SW01_10 WiFi Smart Switch
WS03 (WS01 WS05) LED Controller
WS2812B RGB Shield
WS2812B and WS2813
Wemos D1 Mini and AM312 PIR Motion Sensor
Wemos D1 Mini and HC SR501 PIR Motion Sensor
Wemos D1 Mini and RCWL 0516 Microwave Radar Sensor
Wemos D1 Mini and SHT30 Shield High Precision Humidity & Temperature
Wemos D1 Mini
Wemos D1 R1 & R2
What's New
White Blend Mode
Xenon SM SW102 2 two relay light switch
Xiaomi Mi Desk Lamp
YTF IR Bridge
Yeti Smart Home mobile app for Android & iOS
ZEOOTA Wifi Smart Power Strip 4 EU outlets with 4 USB ports
Zemismart Curtain Motor
Zigbee Operation
Zigbee Sandbox
iBeacon driver
leegoal plug
meross MSS425
minitiger Touch Light Switch
Sensors Supported by Tasmota
mdelgaizoreply edited this page 2019-06-25 12:17:35 +02:00
Here you will a complete list of the sensors, drivers and displays which are supported in Tasmota.
Most up to date list can be found in this Google Sheet.
Drivers (drv)
Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
HTTP | Webserver | xdrv_01_webserver | Wifi | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
MQTT | Interface | xdrv_02_mqtt.ino | Wifi | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
Energy sensor support | xdrv_03_energy.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | ||
PWM, WS2812 | Sonoff LED support | xdrv_04_light.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
IR | Infra Red support | xdrv_05_irremote.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Lazar Obradovic, Theo Arends | |
Sonoff RF | 433MHz Bridge support | xdrv_06_snfbridge.ino | RF | 2019 | Theo Arends, Erik Andrén Zachrisson | |
Domo | Domoticz support | xdrv_07_domoticz.ino | Wifi | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
Serial Bridge support | xdrv_08_serial_bridge.ino | Serial | Theo Arends, Dániel Zoltán Tolnai | |||
Timer | Timer support | xdrv_09_timers.ino | Internal | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
Rules | Rule support | xdrv_10_rules.ino | Console | 2019 | ESP Easy Group, Theo Arends | |
KNX IP | KNX IP Protocol support | xdrv_11_knx.ino | Wifi | 2019 | Adrian Scillato | |
HA | Home Assistant support | xdrv_12_home_assistant.ino | Wifi | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
Display | Display support | xdrv_13_display.ino | Internal | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
MP3 | MP3 Player support | xdrv_14_mp3.ino | Serial | 20181003 | Gerhard Mutz, Mike Fleischer, Theo Arends | |
PCA9685 | 12 Bit, 16 Pin Hardware PWM driver | xdrv_15_pca9685.ino | I2C | 0x40..0x7F | 2019 | Andre Thomas, Theo Arends |
Tuya | Dimmer support | xdrv_16_tuyadimmer.ino | Serial | 2019 | digiblur, Joel Stein, Theo Arends | |
RF Transceiver | RF Transceiver using RcSwitch library | xdrv_17_rcswitch.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
Armtronix | Dimmer support | xdrv_18_armtronix_dimmers.ino | Serial | 2019 | wvdv2002, Theo Arends | |
PS_16_DZ | Dimmer support | xdrv_19_ps16dz_dimmer.ino | Serial | 2019 | Joel Stein, Theo Arends | |
Debug | Debug support | xdrv_99_debug.ino | Internal | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
Generic | Driver interface | xdrv_interface.ino | Internal | 2019 | Theo Arends inspired by ESPEasy |
Displays (dsp)
Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
LCD | Display LCD support | xdsp_01_lcd.ino | I2C | 0x27 or 0x3F | 2019 | Theo Arends, Adafruit |
SSD1306 | Display Oled support | xdsp_02_ssd1306.ino | I2C | 0x3C or 0x3D | 2019 | Theo Arends, Adafruit |
HT16K33 | Display 8x8 Matrix support | xdsp_03_matrix.ino | I2C | 0x70..0x77 | 2019 | Theo Arends, Adafruit |
ILI9341 | Display TFT support | xdsp_04_ili9341.ino | SPI | 2019 | Theo Arends, Adafruit | |
E-Paper | Display E-Paper support | xdsp_05_epaper_29.ino | SPI | 2019 | Theo Arends, Gerhard Mutz, Waveshare | |
Generic | Display interface | xdsp_interface.ino | Internal | 2019 | Theo Arends |
Energy Messaurement (nrg)
Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
HLW8012 based | Energy sensor support (Sonoff Pow, KMC70011, HuaFan, AplicWDP303075, Teckin Power Socket) | xnrg_01_hlw8012.ino | Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
CSE7766 | Energy sensor support (Sonoff S31, Sonoff POW R2) | xnrg_02_cse7766.ino | Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
PZEM004T | Energy sensor support | xnrg_03_pzem004t.ino | Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
MCP39F501, Shelly 2 | Energy sensor support | xnrg_04_mcp39f501.ino | Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
PZEM-014, PZEM -016 | Modbus AC Energy sensor support | xnrg_05_pzem_ac.ino | Modbus Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
PZEM-003, PZEM-017 | Modbus DC Energy sensor support | xnrg_06_pzem_dc.ino | Modbus Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
Generic | Energy Driver Interface | xnrg_interface.ino | Internal | 2019 | Theo Arends inspired by ESPEasy |
Plug Type Devices (plg)
Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
Wemo, Hue | Support | xplg_wemohue.ino | Wifi | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Stephan Hadinger, Theo Arends | |
WS2812 | LED String and Strip support | xplg_ws2812.ino | Serial NeoPixel | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Theo Arends |
Sensors (sns)
Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
Counter | Counter sensors support (water meters, electricity meters, etc.) | xsns_01_counter.ino | Internal | 2019 | Maarten Damen, Theo Arends | |
ADC | ESP8266 ADC support | xsns_02_analog.ino | Internal | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
iTead Sonoff SC | Temperature, Humidity, Light and Air Quality sensor support | xsns_04_snfsc.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
DS18B20 | Temperature sensor support | xsns_05_ds18b20.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
DS18x20 | Temperature sensor support | xsns_05_ds18x20.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
DS18x20 Legacy | Temperature sensor support | xsns_05_ds18x20_legacy.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Theo Arends | |
DHTxx, AM23xx, SI7021 | Temperature and Humidity sensor support | xsns_06_dht.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
SHT1x, SHT10/11/15 | Temperature and Humidity sensor support | xsns_07_sht1x.ino | I2C | 0x40 default | 2019 | Theo Arends |
HTU21 | Temperature and Humidity sensor support | xsns_08_htu21.ino | I2C | 0x40 | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Theo Arends |
BMP085, BMP180, BMP280, BME280, BME680 | Pressure, Temperature, Humidity and Gas (BME680) sensor support | xsns_09_bmp.ino | I2C | 0x76 and 0x77. Two BMP are now possible | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Theo Arends |
BH1750 | Ambient Light sensor support | xsns_10_bh1750.ino | I2C | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
VEML6070 | Ultra Violet Light (UV-A), UV Index and UV Power sensor support | xsns_11_veml6070.ino | I2C | 0x38 & 0x39 | 20181006 | Mike Fleischer, Theo Arends |
ADS1115 | A/D Converter support | xsns_12_ads1115.ino | I2C | 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A or 0x4B | 2019 | Theo Arends |
ADS1x15 | A/D Converter support | xsns_12_ads1115_i2cdev.ino | I2C | 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A or 0x4B | 2019 | Stefan Bode, Theo Arends |
INA219 | High-Side DC Current and Voltage sensor support | xsns_13_ina219.ino | I2C | 0x40..0x4F | 2019 | Stefan Bode, Theo Arends |
SHT3X | Temperature and Humidity sensor support | xsns_14_sht3x.ino | I2C | 0x44, 0x45 or 0x70 (SHTC3) | 2019 | Theo Arends |
MH-Z19(B) | CO2 sensor support | xsns_15_mhz19.ino | Hardware Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
TSL2561 | Light sensor support | xsns_16_tsl2561.ino | I2C | 0x29, 0x39 or 0x49 | 2019 | Theo Arends, Joachim Banzhaf |
SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 (CO2) | CO2 sensor support | xsns_17_senseair.ino | I2C | 0x68 | 2019 | Theo Arends |
PMS5003-7003 | Particle Concentration sensor support | xsns_18_pms5003.ino | Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
Xadow, Grove | Mutichannel Gas sensor support | xsns_19_mgs.ino | I2C | programmable, 0x04 default | 2019 | Palich2000, Theo Arends |
Nova SDS011, SDS021 | Particle Concentration sensor support | xsns_20_novasds.ino | Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
SGP30 | Gas and Air Quality sensor support | xsns_21_sgp30.ino | I2C | 0x58 only | 2019 | Theo Arends |
HC-SR04, HC-SR04+, JSN-SR04T | Ultrasonic sensor support | xsns_22_sr04.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Nuno Ferreira, Theo Arends | |
Eastron SDM120 | Modbus Energy Meter support | xsns_23_sdm120.ino | Serial | 2019 | Gennaro Tortone | |
SI1145, SI1146, SI1147 | UV Index, IR and Visible Light sensor support | xsns_24_si1145.ino | I2C | 0x60 only | 2019 | Theo Arends |
Eastron SDM630 | Modbus Energy Meter support | xsns_25_sdm630.ino | Serial | 2019 | Gennaro Tortone | |
LM75AD | Temperature sensor support | xsns_26_lm75ad.ino | I2C | 0x48..0x4F | 2019 | Andre Thomas, Theo Arends |
APDS9960 | Proximity Sensor support | xsns_27_apds9960.ino | I2C | 0x39 only | 2019 | Shawn Hymel/Sparkfun, Christian Baars, Theo Arends |
TM1638 | 8 Switch, LED and 7 Segment Unit sensor support | xsns_28_tm1638.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
MCP23008, MCP23017 | GPIO Expander | xsns_29_mcp230xx.ino | I2C | 0x20..0x27 | 2019 | Andre Thomas, Theo Arends |
MPR121 | 12 Point Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor controller | xsns_30_mpr121.ino | I2C | 0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C or 0x5D | 2019 | Rene 'Renne' Bartsch |
CCS811 | Gas and Air Quality sensor support | xsns_31_ccs811.ino | I2C | 0x5A or 0x5B | 2019 | Gerhard Mutz, Theo Arends |
MPU6050 | 3-Axis Gyroscope and 3-Axis Accelerometer sensor support | xsns_32_mpu6050.ino | I2C | 0x68 or 0x69 with AD0 HIGH | 2019 | Oliver Welter |
DS3231 | RTC chip, act like sensor support | xsns_33_ds3231.ino | I2C | 0x68 | 2019 | Guy Elgabsi |
HX711 | Load Cell sensor support | xsns_34_hx711.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
TX20 | La Crosse Wind (Anemometer) sensor support | xsns_35_Tx20.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Thomas Eckerstorfer, Theo Arends | |
MGC3130 | Electric Field Sensor | xsns_36_mgc3130.ino | I2C | 2019 | Christian Baars, Theo Arends | |
RF | RF Sensor receiver | xsns_37_rfsensor.ino | GPIO | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
AZ_Instrument 7798 | CO2, Temperature and Humidity Meter support | xsns_38_az7798.ino | Serial | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
MAX31855 | Thermocouple Sensor support | xsns_39_max31855.ino | SPI | 2019 | Markus Past | |
PN532 | NFC Tag Reader | xsns_40_pn532_i2c.ino | I2C | 2019 | Andre Thomas, Theo Arends | |
MAX44009 | Ambient Light Sensor support | xsns_41_max44009.ino | I2C | 2019 | Theo Arends | |
SCD30 | CO2 Sensor support | xsns_42_scd30.ino | I2C | 2019 | Frogmore42 | |
SPS30 | Particulate Matter (PM) sensor | xsns_44_sps30.ino | I2C | 2019 | Gerhard Mutz | |
Debug | Debug support | zzzz_debug.ino | Internal | 2019 | Theo Arends |
Wiki has moved to link on the left.