8 Zigbee Operation
Michael Ingraham edited this page 2019-11-12 16:28:11 -05:00

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Refer to the Zigbee Commands

Note: Zigbee will automatically boot the CC2530 device, configure it and wait for Zigbee messages.

Z2T Status

You can inspect the log output to determine whether Z2T started correctly. Z2T sends several status messages to inform the MQTT host about initialization.

Ex: {"ZigbeeState":{"Status":1,"Message":"CC2530 booted","RestartReason":"Watchdog","MajorRel":2,"MinorRel":6}}

  • Status contains a numeric code about the status message
    • 0: initialization complete, Z2T is running normally
    • 1: booting
    • 2: resetting CC2530 configuration
    • 3: starting Zigbee coordinator
    • 20: disabling Permit Join
    • 21: allowing Permit Join for 60 seconds
    • 22: allowing Permit Join until next boot
    • 30: Zigbee device connects or reconnects
    • 31: Received Node Descriptor information for a Zigbee device
    • 32: Received the list of active endpoints for a Zigbee device
    • 33: Received the simple Descriptor with active ZCL clusters for a Zigbee device
    • 50: reporting CC2530 firmware version
    • 51: reporting CC2530 device information and associated devices
    • 98: error, unsupported CC2530 firmware
    • 99: general error, Z2T was unable to start
  • Message (optional) a human-readable message
  • other fields depending on the message (e.g., Status=50 or Status=51)

Pairing Zigbee Devices

By default, and for security reasons, the Zigbee coordinator does not automatically accept new devices. To pair new devices, use ZigbeePermitJoin 1. Once Z2T is in pairing mode, put the Zigbee device into pairing mode. This is usually accomplished by pressing the button on the device for 5 seconds or more. To stop pairing, use ZigbeePermitJoin 0.

Reading sensors

Sensor messages are published via MQTT when they are received from the Zigbee device. Unlike Zigbee2MQTT, there is currently no debouncing nor caching.

Example: Xiaomi Aqara Sensor

This sensor monitors humidity, temperature, and air pressure. Its Zigbee model ID is lumi.weather.

  1. Put Z2T into pairing mode using the ZigbeePermitJoin command as described above
  2. Press the Xiaomi Aqara sensor's button for 5 seconds to pair the devices. You will see a message as follows:
    MQT: tele/<topic>/RESULT = {"ZigbeeState":{"Status":30,"IEEEAddr":"00158D00036B50AE","ShortAddr":"0x8F20","PowerSource":false,"ReceiveWhenIdle":false,"Security":false}}
    Field name Value
    Status 30 indicates a device connect or reconnect. This is the opportunity to match IEEEAddress and short address
    IEEEAddr Long unique address (64 bits) of the device - factory set
    ShortAddr Short address (16 bits) randomly assigned to the device on this Zigbee network
    PowerSource true = the device is connected to a power source
    false = the device runs on battery
    ReceiveWhenIdle true = the device can receive commands when idle
    false = the device is not listening. Commands should be sent when the device reconnects and is idle
    Security Security capability (meaning unknown, to be determined)

This device publishes sensor values roughly every hour or when a change occurs. You can also force an update pressing the device's button. It sends two kinds of messages, either 3x standard Zigbee messages, or a single proprietary message containing all sensor values.


MQT: tele/<topic>/RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"Humidity":23.47}}
MQT: tele/<topic>/RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"Temperature":59.85}}
MQT: tele/<topic>/RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"Pressure":1005,"PressureUnit":"hPa"}}
MQT: tele/<topic>/RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"Temperature":23.47,"Humidity":58.97,"Pressure":1005.8,"PressureUnit":"hPa","Voltage":3.005,"Battery":100}}
MQT: tele/<topic>/RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"ModelId":"lumi.weather"}}

0x8F20 is the ShortAddress of the sensor.

Supported values:

Field name Value
Humidity Humidity in percentage (float)
Pressure and PressureUnit Atmospheric pressure (float) and unit (string)
Currently only hPa (A.K.A. mbar) is supported
Temperature Temperature in Celsius (float)
Voltage Battery voltage (float)
Battery Battery charge in percentage (integer)
ModelId Model name of the Zigbee device (string)
Ex: lumi.weather

Device Information

You can dump the internal information gathered about connected Zigbee devices with the command ZigbeeStatus.

ZigbeeStatus1 - List all connected devices


(JSON pretty-printed for readability)

    "ZigbeeStatus-99": [

ZigbeeStatus 2 - Display detailed information for each device, including long address, model and manufacturer:

{"ZigbeeStatus2":[{"ShortAddr":"0x6B58","IEEEAddr":"7CB03EAA0A0292DD","ModelId":"Plug 01","Manufacturer":"OSRAM"},{"ShortAddr":"0xE9C3","IEEEAddr":"00158D00036B50AE","ModelId":"lumi.weather","Manufacturer":"LUMI"},{"ShortAddr":"0x3D82","IEEEAddr":"0017880102FE1DBD","ModelId":"LWB010","Manufacturer":"Philips"}]}

(JSON pretty-printed for readability)

    "ZigbeeStatus2": [
            "ShortAddr": "0x6B58",
            "IEEEAddr": "7CB03EAA0A0292DD",
            "ModelId": "Plug 01",
            "Manufacturer": "OSRAM"
            "ShortAddr": "0xE9C3",
            "IEEEAddr": "00158D00036B50AE",
            "ModelId": "lumi.weather",
            "Manufacturer": "LUMI"
            "ShortAddr": "0x3D82",
            "IEEEAddr": "0017880102FE1DBD",
            "ModelId": "LWB010",
            "Manufacturer": "Philips"

Identifying Target Device Endpoints

You can use ZigbeeStatus3 to display information about all the endpoints and ZCL clusters supported. If probing was successful (at pairing time or using ZigbeeProbe), Tasmota will automatically find the right endpoint. If the device was not probed, you need to specify the endpoint explicitly. It is always better to explicitly add the endpoint number if you know it.

Known Endpoints
Device Endpoint
OSRAM Plug 0x03
Philips Hue Bulb 0x0B
{"ZigbeeStatus3":[{"ShortAddr":"0x6B58","Endpoints":{"0x03":{"ProfileId":"0xC05E","ProfileIdName":"ZigBee Light Link","ClustersIn":["0x1000","0x0000","0x0003","0x0004","0x0005","0x0006","0x0B04","0xFC0F"],"ClustersOut":["0x0019"]}}},{"ShortAddr":"0xE9C3","Endpoints":{"0x01":{"ProfileId":"0x0104","ClustersIn":["0x0000","0x0003","0xFFFF","0x0402","0x0403","0x0405"],"ClustersOut":["0x0000","0x0004","0xFFFF"]}}},{"ShortAddr":"0x3D82","Endpoints":{"0x0B":{"ProfileId":"0xC05E"," ...

(JSON pretty-printed for readability)

  "ZigbeeStatus3": [
      "ShortAddr": "0x6B58",
      "Endpoints": {
        "0x03": {
          "ProfileId": "0xC05E",
          "ProfileIdName": "ZigBee Light Link",
          "ClustersIn": [
          "ClustersOut": [
      "ShortAddr": "0xE9C3",
      "Endpoints": {
        "0x01": {
          "ProfileId": "0x0104",
          "ClustersIn": [
          "ClustersOut": [
      "ShortAddr": "0x3D82",
      "Endpoints": {
        "0x0B": {
          "ProfileId": "0xC05E",
          " ...

Ex: OSRAM Zigbee plug:

{"Device":"0x69CF","IEEEAddr":"0000000000000000","ModelId":"Plug 01","Manufacturer":"OSRAM","Endpoints":{"0x03":{"ProfileId":"0xC05E","ProfileIdName":"ZigBee Light Link","ClustersIn":["0x1000","0x0000","0x0003","0x0004","0x0005","0x0006","0x0B04","0xFC0F"],"ClustersOut":["0x0019"]}}}

The message above shows that the device supports only one endpoint 0x03 which accepts messages (ClustersIn) for clusters "0x1000","0x0000","0x0003","0x0004","0x0005","0x0006","0x0B04","0xFC0F".

Supported Zigbee Device Commands

Command Parameters Cluster
Power 1|true|"true"|"on": On
0|false|"false"|"off": Off
2|"Toggle": Toggle
Dimmer 0..254: Dimmer value
255 is normally considered as invalid, and may be converted to 254
Dimmer+ null: no parameter. Increases dimmer by 10% 0x0008
Dimmer- null: no parameter. Decreases dimmer by 10% 0x0008
DimmerStop null: no parameter. Stops any running increase of decrease of dimmer. 0x0008
ResetAlarm <alarmcode>,<clusterid>: (to be documented later) 0x0009
ResetAllAlarms null: no parameter, (to be documented later) 0x0009
Hue 0..254: change Hue value 0x0300
Sat 0..254: change Sat value 0x0300
HueSat 0..254,0..254: change both Hue and Sat values 0x0300
Color 0..65534,0..65534: change the color using [x,y] coordinates 0x0300
CT 0..65534: change the white color-temperature in Mireds 0x0300
Shutter 0..254: send any Shutter command (prefer the commands below) 0x0102
ShutterOpen null: no parameter, open shutter 0x0102
ShutterClose null: no parameter, close shutter 0x0102
ShutterStop null: no parameter, stop shutter movement 0x0102
ShutterLift 0..100: move shutter to a specific position in percent
0%=open, 100%=closed
ShutterTilt 0..100: move the shutter to the specific tilt position in percent 0x0102



ZigbeeSend { "device":"0x69CF", "endpoint":"0x03", "send":{"Power":"On"} }
ZigbeeSend { "device":"0x69CF", "endpoint":"0x03", "send":{"Power":1} }
ZigbeeSend { "device":"0x69CF", "endpoint":"0x03", "send":{"Power":false} }
ZigbeeSend { "device":"0x69CF", "endpoint":"0x03", "send":{"Power":"Toggle"} }

Read the On/Off status: (all three commands below are synonyms)

ZigbeeRead { "device":"0x69CF", "endpoint":"0x03", "cluster":"0x0006", "read":"0x0000" }
ZigbeeRead { "device":"0x69CF", "endpoint":"0x03", "cluster":"0x0006", "read":["0x0000"] }
ZigbeeRead { "device":"0x69CF", "endpoint":3, "cluster":6, "read":0 }

Philips Hue bulb

ZigbeeSend { "device":"0x3D82", "endpoint":"0x0B", "send":{"Power":"Off"} }
ZigbeeSend { "device":"0x3D82", "endpoint":"0x0B", "send":{"Dimmer":128} }
ZigbeeSend { "device":"0x3D82", "endpoint":"0x0B", "send":{"Dimmer":254} }
ZigbeeSend { "device":"0x3D82", "endpoint":"0x0B", "send":{"Dimmer":0} }